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Amyotrophic LateralSclerosis: A progressive neurondegrative disorder of…
Amyotrophic LateralSclerosis: A progressive neurondegrative disorder of adulthood
Approved medical treatments
Radicava: Active member is edavarone. Reduce oxidative stress
Symptomatic treatments: Diazepam and baclofen for muscle cramps spasms spasticity for muscle cramps. spasms spasticity
Rilutek: Neuroprotective drug that blocks glutamatergic neurotransmission inhibits the release of glutamate from neurons, inactivates sodium gated chenel
Symptom and application: stiff, tight and spastic muscle, muscle twitches and carps, muscle atrophy.
Loss of voluntary muscle control leading to muscle weakness in legs, feet and ankles, tripping disability
Deterioration of motor neurons that control muscle mouvent
Motor neuron death due to disruption in development of axons, buildup proteins
Mostly autosomal dominant one copy of altered gene
Multifactorial and Multigene causes mutations in ALSlinked genes superoxide dismutae
Autosomal recessive and x linked dominant are also observed in famial ALS
More in men than women before the age of 65, age as a factor 40-60, toxin and chemical explosurre
Sporadic ALS(90-95%)
Familial ALS (5-10%)
Degradation of upper motor neurons of cerebral cortex and lower motor neurons of brain stem and spinal cord.
Wernicke's area function in understanding written and spoken
Spinal cord: long tubular nervous structure extends from medulla oblongata in the brain stem to lumbar area of ventral column.
Posterior root: sensory neurons which move towards the spinal cord
Anterior root: move away from spinal cord
Gray matter: contains central canal and somas
Sensory nuclei
Motor nuclei
Anterior gray horn
Posterior gray horn
lateral gray horn
gray commissure
types of neurons
Motor neurons: send information from the spinal cord to control effector organs such as muscles
Sensory neurons: send information from external stimuli to brain via spinal cord
Interneurons found in the central nervous system
Conus medullaris: tapering of the spinal cord
Cervical enlargement: spinal cord enlargement from which nerve going to the arm raise
Central canal: middle open space I the gray horn
Cauda equina: Groupe of spinal nerves that extend off then end of the spinal cord
Dorsal root ganglion: Cluster of neurons in dorsal root spinal nerve
Dorsal gray horn: Region of grey matter is posterior in the spinal cord.
Dorsal root: bundle of sensory neurons which enter from posterior side of the spinal cord
Filum terminal: fibrous tissue that act as an anchor to the spinal cord
Lateral gray horn: receive input from brain stem, organs and hypothalamus
Lumbar enlargement: spinal cord enlargement from which nerve going to the leg arise
Ventral gray horn: control motor
Ventral root also colled anterior root
White matter funiculi: contains bundles of axons in the white matter
Pia matter: connective tissue covering the spinal cord
Arachnoid matter: fluid that protect the brain
Dura matter: connective tissue that surround the brain
3 meninges
Plexus: composed of afferent and efferent fibers.
Sacral plexus: Pelvis, genitals buttocks, thinghs
Lumbar plexus: back abdomen knees, clavicle
Branchial plexus: chest, shoulder, arms, hand
Cervical plexus: head, neck, shoulders
5 pair of sacral nerves
12 paires of thoracic nerves
8 pairs of cervical verves
5 pairs of lumber nerves
1 pair of coccygeal verve
Nerves layers
Endoneuruim layer that surrounds single axon
Epineurium outer layer and is continues with dura matter
Preineum layer that surrounds a fascicle
Broca's function in speech producion
Olfactory builb: function in olfaction. A neural structure located in forebrain
Cerebrum: largest part of the brain
Hippocampus: play key role in long term memory
Amygdala: almond shaped clusters of nuclei located in the median temporal brain
Cerebral cortex is the further divided into four paired lobes
Upper motor neuron: originate in the motor neuron
Motor neuron originate in the pyramidal cell of precentral gyrus
Pass through the cerebral cortex to MIDBRAIN and to medulla oblongata
Peripheral motor neuron carry motor impulses to anterior horn to voluntary muscle
these axon synapse with lower motor neurons in the ventral horn of the spinal cord
Basal nuclei: Group of subcortical nuclei present at the base of forebrain and top nidbrain
Exhibits inhibitory influence on motor system
Controls voluntary motor movement
Fours motor tracts that send upper motor neuron axons to lower motor neurons in the spinal cord, rubrospinal cord,vestibulospinal tract, tectospinal tract, reticulospinaltract
connect to cerebellum: play crucial role in motor function
Receive sensory input from cerebral cortex, spinal cord integrate information and sends motor impulses to fine tune motor activity in the skeletal muscle
Dopamine sensitive neuron perform is associated with attention, short term memory tasks, planning, reward and motivation
Grey matter the outer layer of the cerebrum
White matter : inner layer below the grey matter
Gryi: pre and post central gyri ridges on cerebral cortex
Occipital lobe: part of the forebrain and are present at rearmost portion of skull
Parietal lobe: posterior to frontal lobe
Temporal lobe: perform in auditory, vision, speech