ADHD:Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder- Struggles with sustaining and focusing attention- needs either one or a combination of symptoms: Inattention: not seem to listen, easily distracted errors, trouble following instructions, distractible , trouble finishing tasks, unorganised Hyper+ Impulsivity: is restless,fidgety,trouble remaining seated, acts imsulsively, cannot wait for their turn, interupt and blurt out things ADHD is more common now, more so among boys Primarily innattentive form is more common as primarily hyoeractive-impulsive form Those this ADHD mostly have other disorders such as anxiety and depression
Developmental Courses: ADHD expresses itself differently at different ages
When it is prodominantly hyperactivity and impulsivity it can be seen in infancy but cannot be diagnosed until age 4: infants like this are typically active,difficult temperament irregular feeling and sleeping patterns
In Preschoolers- quickly moving from activity to activity although this is common so must judge according to developmental norms so as to not mistake
ADHD is NOT due: to consuming sugar,low birth weight, teratogens or toxic chemicals : Toxic Chemicals can contribute to some causes of ADHD- gene/environment interaction - Parents remain authoritative end up with a more manageable child
Most children outgrow ADHD- in adolescence they can continue to be ressless, impulsive: car accidents, substance abuse and reckless acts
College: may need extra help - adults have lower academic achievement and become involved in sexual activity and parenthood earlier , lower performance ratings
Treatment mostly it is prescribed stimulant drugs- the brains in individuals with ADHD are underaroused- drugs increase dopamine and other neurotransmitters to normal levels and allow children to concentrate
There is controversy surrounding giving drugs to young children: to many children are diagnosed with ADHD and the drugs have side effects such as headaches, loss of appetite
doesn't cure it only improve functioning
Medication alone was more effective then behaviour therapy alone
Medication and Behaviour therapy is better: academic preformance- parent child relations etc
Medication,Behavioural Programming,Parent training (to understand and manage behaviour) and inyterventions at school)
Suspected causes: Frontal Lobes do not function as they should- difficulties in executive functions ie self-control, inhibiting responses,organising and regulating
Insufficient use of dopamine and norepinephrine which is involved in the comms amoung neurons in the frontal lobe- root of inattention
Frontal cortex: takes slower to mature and may not catch up genes: 60-90% variation
Environment is NB- if risk turn into a reality