BB - Content Themes (Problems women have)





Managing the mental load

Getting him to step back at work

Expectation management

Lowering standards

Putting yourself last

Feeling like a failure

Never being able to switch off - always on

Skipping meals - weight issues

Health issues driven by stress

Guilt at doing anything for yourself

Imposter syndrome

Lack of confidence

Growing resentment


Sacrificed progression for flexibility


High achiever

Go-go-go - like being busy

Mum guilt about not spending time with the kids

Existing not living

Gender stereotypes

Highly self-critical

Living in fear

Can't say no

'Good Girl Syndrome'

Workhorse for the team

Strong desire to prove oneself

Argue over the little things which become big things

Work like you don't have children and raising your children like you don't work

Judgement from family and friends about choices

Feel like partner is another child

Become disconnected from girlfriends

Feel like an interloper at school functions because you know no one

Feeling that we need to suffer for our success

Wait until other things are done to prioritise self-care

Dealing with horrible bosses

How to earn and retain your seat at the table