


Gunpowder Plot

not too much is known about his childhood or when he was born

didn't go to university

got married

had a daughter and a set of twins

histories, comedies,tragedies, tragic comedies

wrote several plays

produced macbeth

he was a poet

150 sonnets wrote

not sure how he died

second most quoted after the bible

macbeth is the shortest play

he was in good with the queen

shakephare knew a lot of James

old english is used a lot today

was told to write a play for james

made it about what he likes

a plot to end James was planned

a warning letter surfaced

Guy Fawkes was found about to blow the place up

traitors were linked to shakespheare

he wrote macbeth in no coincedence

conspirators were beheaded

he made his life in a way be like macbeth

a medal was made