Rome and christianity

-Alps separated Italian Peninsula from rest of Europe




-Located on Italian Peninsula

-Located on Mediterranean Sea

-Good farmland

-All land owning citizens were required ti serve in the military and to pay taxes

Consuls - There were two and they were similar to our president w/ limited powers


-Patricians - wealthy, most powerful, can hold public office --- Plebeians - could not hold public office

Senate - dominated by the patricians, similar to our senate w/ its focus on foreign policy

Assemblies - similar to our House of Rep. in that it best represents the wishes of people

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Pax Romana - time period of Roman greatness from the rule

The empire expanded in all directions to include all of the Mediterranean basin

Augustus implemented a uniform currency used throughout the empire called a denaries

Mosaics are pictures or designs made using small pieces of stone or tiles

Medicine was public water systems, public baths, and medical schools

After Rome conquers Greece, the Romans began to copy and adopt Greek achievements and make the their own

Constantine was the emperor

The christian church became a formal institution w/ a pope or leader along w/ bishops and priests

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Constantine converts to christianity and makes it one of the official religions