Stage 2: Authorisation - SECTION 24 (1,2) provides the power to issue a DVPN. Inspector may issue if they have reasonable grounds for believing that offender has been violent towards, or has threatened violence towards an AP (victim) and the issue of the DVPN is necessary to protect that person from violence or a threat of violence. SECTION 24 (3,5) Authorising officer must consider prior to issuing DVPN and must take reasonable steps to discover the opinions of - the welfare of any person under age 18 whose interests the officer considers relevant, the opinion of the person for whose protection the DVPN would be issued, any representation, the opinion of any other victim who lives in the premises
STAGE 3: ISSUED! SECTION 25 (1,3) CSA 2010 provides the requirements for the content and service of the DVPN. DVPN MUST be in writing and must be served to person personally by a constable. Notice of the hearing will be treated as a summons.
STAGE 4: Application for DVPO must be heard no later than 48 hours after the DVPN was served. If it is not then the DVPN will lapse and must be removed from PNC. SECTION 27 (1,10) provides the requirements for the app for a DVPO. Police officer/member and legal member will attend magistrates court. SECTION 28 Provives the conditions which have to be met when the mag court considers issuing a DVPO. They will make a DVPO if they are satisfied on the balance of probabilities that the suspect in question has been violent towards, or has threatened violence towards a victim and that the making of a DVPO is necessary to protect that person from violence of threat.
Suspects can challenge the DVPO. Although, initially due to the informal way DVPNs are issues, no realistic way for suspects to challenge them before they take affect.
Lasts up to 28 days, minimum amount of time for 2 weeks , beginning on the day which it is made. It will cover - the suspect from not entering the premises, it will require them to leave the premises and prohibit them from coming within such distance of the premises as may be specified in the DVPO.
Power of arrest if attached to the DVPO as the magistrates will order it based on if there is violence involved. Does not give a specific power of entry.