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Crimean War 1854-1856; Boer War 1899 - 1902 (Boering Background (GB…
Crimean War
Boer War
1899 - 1902
1850s - 563 News Journals, Tax Reduce
Advancements in printing = cheaper
William Howard Russell - Most influential reporter
Of "The Times" - praised GB troops
1851 - Telegraph: up-to-date, Rail: reached more people
Little Censorship - gov. knew public would be suspicious
Reporters praise troops, wrote about subsequent problems
Unexpected Heroes: Troops
Leaders used to be praised (Nelson, Wellington)
Now they seem to be getting incompetent
Charge of the Light Brigade
Oct 1854 - Summed up the Leader-Soldier relation
Soldiers were brave while the leaders were bad
Terrible Conditions
Poor supplies arrangement
Pulbic horrified to find out
War Memorials
20k died from disease, perspecitve change
Brand new idea for the dead
Unexpected Heroes: Nurses
Florence Nightingale - Rich & Generous
Mary Seacole - Dual Heritage & Fiery
Mary Seacole
Dual heritage - Mother,JM; Father, SC soldier
Fought race, gender prejudice - didn't fit in anywhere
British Hotel - makeshift H at Balaclava frontlines
Almost as famous as Florence; more proactive than FN
Florence Nightingale
Rich women didn't normally work apart from housewives
Oct '54 - Rode to Scutari (Istanbul) w/ other women
Staff before were overworked, male; raised £30k
Good house keeping, gave right diet for her patients
Eventually help realise hygiene problem via supplies lack
Changing Britain
More could read
More evaded traditional authority (landowner, church)
More for democracy (Great Reform Act '32:
Starts campaign process for the vote)
More urban dwellers, maj. in towns than country ('51)
More connection w/ rail, quicker connections between
General support
Tsar was autocratic; GB democratic
Understood political support for Otto's
GB at height of econ. power
Costs weren't a problem; smaller war
Than Nap. wars - no mass recruitment
Relied on navy, small prof. army, allies
Public Relations
Gov. realilsed importance of public opinion
Towards war & towards the constitution
Lord Palmerston made some modest changes
Sanitary Commission - Improved H conditions
Military Admin reformed; Civil service appointments
Now required examinations
GB vs. Settlers
Fighting for Gold-Rich S.AF; Boers already there in 1600s
N.AF and Dutch Farmers (Boers) already tryna colonise
Boers given DE new 20th cent. rifles - small modern army
GB has big army w/ new khaki uniform, but 19th cent spears
GB took control of Cape Region = vital staging on route to IN
Boers move inland, took further AF land away
Became Transvaal & Orange Free State
("Orange: Many Boers = Dutch) Uneasy peace until 1867
First Boer War
1867 - Diamonds discovered in Transvaal
1877 - GB took control, Boers rebel = 1st War
GB had other problems, establish peace
Gave Bs back Transvaal, OFS
Second Boer War
1886 - More Diamonds found, causes immigration
(By Uitlanders) 1899 - GB wants regional control again
Here and there
Largest Empire in the world
against untrained pack of
180k sent over, was the largest amount
- GB convinced they'd win
Mortal Punishment
Concentration Camps
GB popultion was horified
26k died, 80% under 16; 160k entered
Transport by wagons; "accidental" holocaust
Concentrating the population into one place
Scorched-Earth Policy
Burnt houses, crops, sheep
30k farmhouses; Bs forced off land
Older women, children taken to restrict their help
For the Boers
Final Resolve
1902 - civil authorities took over
Death rate = 2% lower than many cities
1906 - Landslide election for opposing gov
Lack of medicine; 20k (1/4) died
12k black AF died in sep. camps
Due to poor shelter, bad food & sanitation
They happened often
Bs refuse to surrender, attack supply lines
weak GB points then run to lure reinforcements
Set backs
Boers were good marksmen & horsemen
Also familiar w/ terrain, humiliating defeats
in 2nd Boer war; siege Ladysmith, Kimberley,
Mafeking; Lord Roberts & Kitchener sent to
turn tables once again; early defeats spurred
Public desire for final victory
Boers use Guerrila tactics = GB's VT war
Retaliation - Harge barb net w/ blockhouses
Killed sheep; burnt crops, 30k farmhouses
160k refugees sent to conc. camps;
homeless women & children
New media age, Easy access, cheap; war sells
PM John Chamberlain (father of Neville)
shown as showoff; N'papers said t'was a just cause
150 daily N'papers (Hs weekly) helped politcians
put point across
War Support
500k people cheer troops out
At S.Hampton in 1899, opposition overplayed
Only a sig. minority opposed (has occured)
Nat. Jubilation - Mafeking victory after 217 day siege
Boer Surrender & Reassessment
Took £217M (£20bn), 450k soldiers to defeat 60k Bs
2/3 of troops medically unfit = social reforms 1906+
1/2 of volunteers found unfit, sick, weak
22k killed, 100k wounded; more memorial
Could GB survive the next century?
big war commander from before
small victories here & there
Made needed reforms in B.War (barb)
Blockhouses - 8k to keep up barb
Little Englanders
Li'l Englanders - "Finances should be used at home"
Labour Party - Newly formed, argued war for the rich
DLG - GB PM (1916-22) "Irresponsible Capitalists"
Many saw Bs a threat to GB empire
Correspondance & Patriotism
Reporters sent to front lines, Lord Roberts
befriends them giving good new, kept away
from Unpleasantry (inc. Typhoid Epidemic mid 1900)
Press = overwhelmingly Patriot; Daily Mail = 1/2 penny
Most = 1 penny; 1900 = 500k in circulation