Arda: This is the Earth, called Arda by the Elves, a world of many colors, with the great roaring sea, winds and air, made of iron and stone and silver and gold and many substances although water was most marveled over. [ Aule, who Iluvatar had given skill and knowledge almost equal to Melkor, thought of the fabric of the Earth, but unlike Melkor, only delighted in the creation and existence instead of the power to rule over creation]
Inhabitants of Arda
Valar: The Valar are Ainur who decided to dwell on Ea and lend their powers directly to the world, entering it at the beginning of Time to shape and help cultivate it. The chiefs of the beginning of the world were Manwe, Aule, and Ulmo and they defended the new world from Melkor and his greed and wish to rule over all of this world.
Yavanna: Yavanna is the Giver of Fruits, spouse of Aule and next in reverence in the Queens of the Valar to Varda. She loves all things that grow on earth, from the tallest trees to the smallest bit of moss or the small secret things hidden from sight. In her physical form, she is a tall woman, robbed in green and surnamed Kementari, Queen of the Earth in the Eldarian.
Aule: Aule has lordship over all substances of which Arda is made. He is a smith and a master of all crafts, and he delights in all works of skill. The gems in the Earth, the precious gold, mountain walls, and ocean basins all are under his rule. Melkor has always envied him and sought after destroying his creations as vengeance. His spouse is Yavanna, The Giver of Fruits. Yavanna and Aule live in the Valinor.
Manwe: Manwe, who is the noblest of the Ainu (Valar, specifically), pondered mostly the air and the winds. He and Ulmo have been in direct alliance since the beginning, both serving Iluvatar faithfully.
Ulmo: The Ainu that was called Ulmo (by the Elves) thought mostly of water. Iluvatar warns Ulmo of Melkor’s extremes and dangers that he has created of heat and cold and tells Ulmo to find Manwe and create beauty with him, his friend that he loves.
Orome: Orome is a mighty lord. He is a hunter of monsters and he delights in his horses and hounds. He is called Aldaron, Lord of the Forest by the Sindar Tauronfot he loves all trees. Valaroma is the name of his great horn, the sound of which is like the rising of the Sun or lightning breaking through the clouds. His spouse is Vana, the Ever-young, at which flowers bloom at her passing and birds sing her arrival.
Quendi: The Quendi are the Elves who first walked the world speaking rather than singing. The Quendi were the most beautiful creatures of Illuvatar’s creation, and Orome loved them. He called them the Eldar, “the people of the stars.”
Maiar: The Maiar are other spirits that began before the world, the people of the Valar, their servants, helpers, and assistants. Chief among the Maiar are Ilmare, the handmaid of Varda, and Eonwe, the banner-bearer and herald of Manwe. One of the most prominent and well known Maiar to the Children of Iluvatar is Osse, a vassal of Ulmo. He prefers the coasts and islands and leaves the depths to Ulmo.
Noldor: Aule taught them their skills of craft and smithing and they created Manwe’s sapphire scepter.
Finwe: Finwe was a prominent figure of the Noldor, who was sent to Valinor by Orome to speak for his people and made into a king thereafter. Finwe had three sons: Fingolfin, Feanor, and Finarfin.
Faenor: Faenor was the most skilled and intelligent of all of his brothers. Feanor had seven sons, who became great hunters of Middle-earth and travelled far and wide with their father.
Finarfin: Finarfin was the fairest and most emotionally wise of all of his brothers. The sons of Finarfin were faithful, good, and had close friendships with the sons of Fingolfin.
Fingolfin: Fingolfin was the strongest and most brave of all of his brothers. The sons of Fingolfin became kings and lords.
Galadriel: Galadriel was another child of Finarfin. She was the most beautiful of the house of Finwe.
Dwarves: The dwarves were created by Aule in the beginning, for Aule wanted a people he could teach his craft to. The Dwarves are strong, and quick to friendship as well as feud.
Eldar: The Eldar are a race of Elves that live on Arda. They are also referred to as the Sindar and the Grey Elves. From them came prominent figures such as Thingol.
Balrog: Valaraukar, the scourges of fire were evil spirits that served and surrounded Melkor, know on Middle-earth as Balrogs, demons of terror.
Sauron: Lieutenant of Melkor who commanded his fortress and armory on the north-western shores of the sea to avoid assault from Aman.
Atani: The mortal Men, one of the groups that came into being with the creation of the children of Iluvatar along with the Elves, or Quendi.
(Arda is also referred to as Ea) Ea: Ea, the world that Is. The name that is given to the earth by Iluvatar and the Ainur.