Framework of Risk Management Plan for the safety case regime in a construction project
- Risk Identification
Classify the Risks
Risk of Slip and falling
Risk of working at height
Risk related to handling of hazards
Risk due to inexperienced workforce
Risk to pedestrian
Environmental risk
Risk due to electricity
sometimes the workforce comes in contact with the open electric wires, which can harm the work force and sometimes fire can occur due to short circuit
sometimes the visitors are unfailier with the rules and activities
Unskilled workforce at site
Warning signs are not mentioned
Use of hazardous materials
responsible for the seriouse injury, accident and death
workforce not using the personal protective equipments
- Risk Evaluation or Assessment
Quantitative Evaluation
Qualitative Evaluation
Impacts of risk
Risk Ranking
- Response to Risk
Transfer the risk
Accept the risk
Mitigate the risk
Avoid the risk
- Emergency Plan Team
- Monitor the Risk
Look the applied strategies are effective to reduce the risks or not
If the applied strategies are not effective then again go back toidentification step
Risk wiith high severity
Emergency Plan
Risk occurs during the construction phase
- Maintain the record
Record the incident for future reference
Record Control process
Record the Decision made to control the risk
Eliminate the risk
By taking some action to mitigate the risk
Transfer the risk to third party
Accept risk, if you can not do anything
Select one best strategy among all four startegies
Record the risk occurs during construction phase