Fluency and Recognition

What is Fluency?

Reading Automaticity

"Reading automaticity refers to a reader's ability to recognize words without conscious decoding" (Beers, 2015).

How does it happen?

through repeated exposure of a word the student can decode

*If a student can sound out the word, it don't necessarily mean they know the word.

How do we measure fluency?

How do we improve fluency?




High- Frequency Words

Sight Words

Students need to hear fluent reading

Echo reading

Choral Reading

Teach Phrasing and Intonation

The natural rise and fall when speaking

What words are stressed?


"Try that again" vs. "That's wrong"

Common Vocabulary

Word Recognition

Sounding words out

recognizing pre-fixes, suffixes, and root words

Finding smaller words within large words

Knowing sight words

Using context clues

High- Frequency words

Sight Words







sounding out words

the generalizations of word combinations or letter sounds

Letters of the alphabet

"the smallest unit of sound" (Beers, 224).



Any non-vowel


sometimes y and w

Vowel teams

combination of vowels that make a single sound

consonant team

combination of consonants that make a single sound

consonant blends

consonants that are combined to create a blended sound i.e. "ch"

"a vowel and any consonants that follow it in a syllable" (Beers, 226).

Consonant prior to the vowel

What should we do when student's don't have word recognition skills?

Teach High Frequency Words

Teach Common Syllables

Find out what the students know

Teach Rime Patterns

Teach Chunking

divide words into manageable chunks

Teach Rules about the Syllables

Use the Schwa sound i.e. "i" can make the /uh/ sound

Teach prefixes, suffixes, and root words

Use Instructional- Level Texts and focus on what you can with the text


Sorting words by patterns

How do we improve?

Spelling word walls


Thematic spelling

Spelling words based on a learning theme

List of School words: we must spell these right

Spelling rules

Spelling Patterns