Disruptive students

Tier 1 interventions


Acknowledge good behavior

attention can be reward

praise other students in the class who exhibiting on tasks and correct behaviors

Signs of a disruptive student

Speak out of turn

Try to engage others while they are working

Frequently ask irrelevant or obvious questions

Intentionally drop things, make noise, draw attention

Studies indicate a 5:1 ratio, or, 5 confirmations, praise and approvals for every 1 criticism or disagreement

One of the most effective tools for managing, promoting and correcting undesired behaviors

Tier 2 intervention

Tier 3 interventions
Counselor referral

If the disruptive behavior still repeated, should seek for help and support from school counselor or mental heath professional, set up a periodical meeting for student and keep track on the progress

Send note home and talk to parents
provide parents with accurate information as student might not provide the most accurate portrayal of events
build open dialog and rapport

Involve the student in the process of selecting the signs to use to increase likelihood of the use

lying/ cheating students

Tier 1 interventions

Review rules

use calm neutral non threatening tone

Signs of lying/cheating

Unusual test scores

Nervous looking

Other students may report them for cheating

Looking around during test

Tier 2 intervention

Hold students accountable

Other rewards and penalties in a clear way

Tier 3 interventions
Counselor referral

If the disruptive behavior still repeated, should seek for help and support from school counselor or mental heath professional, set up a periodical meeting for student and keep track on the progress

Send note home and talk to parents
provide parents with accurate information as student might not provide the most accurate portrayal of events
build open dialog and rapport

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be respectful,be responsible, be safe

going over the rules and expectations multiple times reinforces good behavior choices

Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS)