Nine Schools of Literary Criticism

Deconstructive Lit Crit-
Analyzes lit. based on the idea that there
are no universal structures... can always
provide a counter argument: "no such thing."

Gender Lit Crit-
Analyze gender roles as they pertain
to and affect a story.

Marxist Lit Crit-
Analyze socio-economic roles as they're relevant
to the story.

Authorial Lit Crit-
analyzes the relationship of the
author's life to his/her text.

Structural Lit Crit (duhhhhh)-
Analyzes lit. based on notions that
structures do exist universally.
(theme, plot, character, devices)

Psychoanalytical Lit Crit-
Analyze psychology, motive, desire,
subconscious, etc. of the character(s).

Reader Response Lit Crit-
Analyzes lit. with the understanding that
every reader is unique and different.

Historical Lit Crit-
Analyze the time period of the
story's setting and its creation as
pertain to the text.

Cultural Lit Crit-
Analyzes the culture(s) in the
context of the story.

Why did Robert Zemeckis tie together
so many different aspects of history
into the movie Forrest Gump?



How would modern movies be changed in they were to take
place when there was no technology?

How different would Forrest Gump have been treated if he
were from the north and not the south?


Would the movie On a Clear Day work
if the family had been rich and not struggling?



click to edit

Would On a Clear Day work if the main
roles were switched and the women
were the main characters?


What is the climax of the story?


Who is the main character in Finding Nemo?


How do you decipher the story?
