Another example of Whitewashing was with the Marvel Movie Dr. Strange This time, the problem was The Ancient One, the superhero’s mystical mentor. In the original comics, the Ancient One was a Himalayan high priest, with long, white facial hair, a bald head and a penchant for Buddhist aphorisms. In the movie, the role went to Tilda Swinton who is a white actor
Dr Strange’s writers were seeking to avoid the tired Orientalist stereotype of the “wise old Eastern geezer” or “Fu Manchu type”. “Wanting to switch up the gender (another diversity department) and not wanting to engage with the old Dragon Lady trope, they chose to write the character as being of (ancient) Celtic origin
Erasure is not the answer to stereotypes,” says Keith Chow, editor of The Nerds of Color blog, which views pop culture through a non-white lens. “When the excuse is, ‘We were trying to not offend you’, well, denying my existence I find more offensive! It’s basically saying we can’t exist as anything other than stereotypes.”