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Needs of Diff. Social Groups (Elderly) (Outdoor Spaces & Buildings…
Needs of Diff. Social Groups (Elderly)
Cities must provide structures & svc.s to support residents' wellbeing & productivity
Community Support & Healthcare
Attitudes of Healthcare Svc Providers
common complaints: poor communication, disrespect, uncaring, treating them like as a drain on resources
sol.: improve communication skills & to train healthcare pro.s to treat older ppl better
Accessible Care
well-located & near
concerns w/ access to healthcare in emergency situations e.g. ambulance svc.s insufficient or too slow bc of heavy traffic e.g. Moscow
sol.: co-locating/decentralising svc.s so they are avail. in all neighbourhoods
Social Participation
Encouraging Participation & Addressing Isolation
CCs & recreation centres within walkable dist.s-> access to socialising platforms & leisure
isolated elderly find it more difficult to associate w/ others as social contacts eroded after death of spouse & family/friends
poor health limits mobility
outreach provides social connection & encouragement to participate
Integrating generations, cultures & communities
opportunities can be provided by sharing spaces e.g. Saanich in Vancouver, a seniors' centre is located in unused part of an elementary sch
intergenerational activities more desirable than activities for older ppl alone bc learn from each other, regain bit of vigor
counters ageism, which discourages participation. older ppl want more public edu on reality of ageing & consider that other generations would be more patient & respectful if they was better understanding
Transport Routes
bad: several areas not covered, poor connections between modes of transport
Age-friendly Vehicles & Priority Seating
common issue for elderly is boarding & alighting from vehicles-> design presents barriers
public transport vehicles modified e.g. in Geneva, buses have raised platforms & low floors
too ex e.g. in Nairobi, price increases due to bad weather, public holidays, peak hours
free/subsidised public transport but conditions attached e.g. Himeji: too high an eligible age
no subsidised/free travel e.g. favelas w/ no public transport
Specialised Transport Svc.s
used when have difficulties using public transport
may not be avail. in some cities e.g. Rio. elderly w/ disabilities can only use taxis but wheelchairs x fit into boot
Availability, Reliability & Frequency
range: buses (pte & public), trains, trams, shuttle buses, taxis
lvl of dev. of transport svc.s reflect dev. lvl of cities so generally, DCs have more satisfactory public transport system
on how to use public transport, bus schedules etc. but they may sometimes be located inconveniently or printed too small
influences where they live & QoL
essential svc.s like electricity & gas may be inadequate or v. ex, esp. for the low Y
good: built from adequate materials & structurally sound, has elevator (if multi-lvl), has appropriate facilities, large enough etc.
e.g. SG: Enhancement for Active Seniors (EASE): subsidised svc.s like installation of grab bars, slip-resistant treatment
Outdoor Spaces & Buildings
Traffic Conditions
complain that pedestrian crossing lights change too quickly. SG: Green Man Plus system, scan card to increase time
crossing lights need visual countdown + auditory signals so elderly more aware
vol. & speed of traffic affect mobility i.e. elderly may fear going out, unless accompanied
barriers to physical access/getting to places e.g. in Rio, ladders to access favelas are difficult to use
sol.: SG's Lift Upgrading Programme in 2001. edu for urban planners & architects about needs of elderly
Age-friendly Pavements & Resting Spots
bad: narrow, uneven, cracked, high curbs, obstructions present
potential hazards affect ability to walk around e.g. in Rio, share pavements w/ street vendors
weather: snow not being cleared. higher risk of falls, after rain too
-> need railings
get tired easily-> need places to rest. benches need to have back rests, arm rests
Secure Env.
refer to fear of crime
feeling secure affects independence, social integration & emotional well-being
Green Spaces
hazards may arise from shared use of park
sol. is to have smaller green spaces in fringe areas, away from large parks used by skateboarders etc.
need better park maintenance e.g. Alexandra Park in Manchester, where local elderly were consulted
Age-friendly Buildings & Adequate Public Toilets
good: lifts, escalators, ramps, toilets w/ handicap access, railings
many buildings, esp. old, not accessible (bc not in minds of planners)-> sometimes not possible to fix this
should be close to where older ppl live-> easy access
avail. of clean, conveniently located, well-signed, handicap accessible toilets
Clean & Pleasant Env.
living close to ocean is advantage e.g. Rio. in Himeji, Japan, elderly value peacefulness & quiet
concerns of disturbing noise lvls & odours e.g. Jamaica: loud music + explicit language in songs
over-crowded-> difficult to get around e.g. Tokyo, Nairobi