Altered alimentary canal

Organs = Oral cavity, esophagus, pharynx, liver, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine, stomach gall bladder

Special structures = duodenum, jejunum, ilium, cecum, cardial sphincter, pyloric sphincter, gastric pits

Basic nutrients needed = Carbs, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals, water.


oral cavity = ingest, begin mechanical breakdown by mastication & propulsion

pharynx = common passageway for food and air. propulsion.

esophagus = propulsion

stomach= mechanical breakdown, propulsion, digestion, absorption.

cardial sphincter = valve that allows food to enter stomach from esophagus

pyloric sphincter = valve that allows food to enter the small intestine from the stomach.

gastric pit =lead to gastric glands that produce the stomach secretion of gastric juices

small intestine = mechanical breakdown, propulsion.

ileum = peyers patches.

duodenum = contains brunner cells & the hepatopancreatic sphincter which allows bile & pancreatic juices to enter

liver = makes bile. enchances fat digestion & absorption.

large intestin = digestion, absorption, propulsion. defecation.

cecum = first part of large intestine

appendix = contains MALT, body immunity, contains good bacteria also.

rectum = S shaped to prevent feces from being passed with gases

pancreas = produces enzymes that breakdown all categories of food.

enzyme responsible for digesting different nutrients = lipase = lipids. proteases = proteins. amylase = carbs. nucleases = nucleic acids

lack of organs involved =no enzymes can be added to food because hepatopancreatic sphincter allows for bile & pancreatic enzymes to enter duodenum

Feeding tube bypass esophagus, stomach & duodenum

lack of stomach & duodenum involvement, hepatopancreatic sphincter can not release bile/pancreatic juices to aide in digestion/absoption

food impacted with tube = needs to be certain mixture so that tube doesnt get clogged while feeding.

provided in tube = proper nutrients, correct formula, store it in a refrigerator after opening and inject in tube at room temp. dietician/doctor can be consulted over which tube formula is best for the patient.

All the correct nutrients need to be provided in the feeding tube because of how the stomach, esophagus, & duodenum are being bypassed. they arent able to play their vital roles during digestion

Lack of pancreatic juices/enzymes and bile being released.

feeding tube needs to remain cleared, wash with warm water before and after each feeding.