Positive Behavior Intervention Supports

Behavior 2: Unfocused/Inattentive

Tier 1 Interventions

Give praise when attentive behavior/attitude occurs

Allow student to stand while working

Timed break, moving position in class

Break down directions, have student repeat directions back

Tier 2 Interventions

Self-monitoring with cues from teacher: outline behavior that needs to improve and create visual cues for when that behavior occurs

Praise Game to reward a specified positive behavior under a time limit

Sensory Tools: velcro, seating disk, stuffed animals, playdough

Tier 3 Interventions

Peer Tutoring: if the student is unfocused because they don't understand the material, a peer tutor can assist to give the student more focused attention

Create a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP): include parents and any support staff. Outline behavior that needs to be changed, objectives, preventative strategies, teaching alternative behaviors, positive reinforcement, consequences, and parental support

Check In/Check Out with teacher using a goal sheet

Data Tracking Systems

Antecedent Behavior Consequence tracking log

Describes what incited the behavior, the behavior itself, and the consequence of that behavior

Good for tracking the cause of a behavior

Behavior and Intervention tracking form

Tracks number of behavior occurrences per day, week

Case 2: This kindergarten student is often fidgeting or falling out of his chair, needs frequent reminders to complete activities, makes careless mistakes, and engages in sensory stimulating behavior like sucking on his fingers and clothes, picking his nose, and chewing on pencils.

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Case 2: This kindergarten students gets visibly upset at setbacks or mistakes in his work, especially work related to drawing/crafts. He uses a lot of negative self-talk about his perceived lack of skills. He also physically (crying, stomping, slamming fists) expresses frustration and anger when not chosen to participate in activity.

Behavior 1: Frustration

Tier 1 Interventions

Take a break: go to a neutral area in or out of the classroom for no more than five minutes

Reflective Listening: repeat or rephrase what a student says so their needs feel heard and understood

Deep Breathing: teach and practice with whole class at the Tier 1 level

Speak with student one-on-one, in the hallway

Tier 2 Interventions

Check In/Check Out (CICO) with a goal sheet about appropriate emotional responses throughout the day

Teach relaxation techniques: draw, read, taking a break

Teach coping strategies for responding to negative feelings: take a break, read a book, take deep breaths, count to 10

Tier 3 Interventions

Counselor referral: after notifying parents

Create a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP): include parents and any support staff. Outline behavior that needs to be changed, objectives, preventative strategies, teaching alternative behaviors, positive reinforcement, consequences, and parental support

Peer tutoring: assign a "buddy" to the student for areas of study that cause the most frustration