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GNLife Status – End of 2019 (Values & Purpose 1/7 :red_flag: I…
GNLife Status – End of 2019
Values & Purpose
I don't know or keep conscious my values and purpose. I fluctuate between what seems like insignificant purpose to something very vague and not mine.
None of the books exist to help me, I must explore myself
-having a list of values I review and adjust regularly
Went Well
quick burst TR discovery of true values
NOT Well
lost my sense of purpose after the citizenship
i have no idea or vision for what I want in life
Tried Hard
find an answer in TR's teachings
DID NOT Try Hard
discover my own truths
face some uncomfortable truths
Contribution & Impact
None of my work makes any value, and my values are such that I have never really cared if it does - but it shows in my lack of purpose. I want to have an impact. But maybe I could reframe it.
Went Well
NOT Well
I am not sure how I'm producing value in the world
my work has no impact, so it seems
Tried Hard
DID NOT Try Hard
help a homeless man on Cristmas
do good for the environment
Location & Tangibles
i have changed up my MO this year and so the things that have been pressing don't seem so anymore.
however, I do have an irk to sell the house and either rent and invest, or just move to something better. but I don't see a big enough driver for this yet. I am keen to get bro situated and living elsewhere and if that's the case, this house will be too much. i can rent it out then or sell altogether and move to something more convenient.
so far, my strategy is quite underdeveloped here. I am not leaving the country, so it seems, the passport is not giving me any benefits so far
know what vexes me and have a way to track it and proactively tackle
eliminating 1-2 things that vex me about my situation every month
Went Well
Sold a lot of unnecessary stuff
Spring cleaning in the third room
House painted as part of BBCL
Threw out old shoes, got a new pair but only 1
Withstood buying a lot of new stuff
Bought t-shirts as work clothes
NOT Well
had to buy a not so great dishwasher
no BBQ
have not made any improvements on the house
not a lot of new clothes, feeling a bit shit
hate my car and it's slowly deteriorating
found no job in another country, no plans to relocate
Tried Hard
avoid splurges on clothes
keep the house in order, cleaned
not spend on insurnace or car
research other countries
DID NOT Try Hard
find a new job in a different country
plan moving elsewhere
plan buying/selling property
get stuff for my parents birthdays
Money & Finances
Started tracking my expenses better through a combo of tools. Got redundancy pay, and was able to hold it through WINZ payments. Got some extra cash through Grant.
Not able to conceive how to make new money though, or how to not think of spending on things that don't matter (but that assuage my fears). Lots of work on impulsive spend needs to happen.
savings rate
hit < 2.5k in June
Went Well
Cancelled CC
Success Plan for spend tracking
Projecting spend using another spreadsheet
Applying for job seeker support through WINZ
Saving daily to emergency automated $40-60
NOT Well
Depleted by emergency fund in 2019
Poor savings habits
Have not saved for any big life decisions
Started overspending on food when WINZ payments started / success plan didn't help
Tried Hard
Cut down CC debt
Not spend in Russia
Manage spend on non-essentials
Selling stuff I don't need
Avoid buying the car
DID NOT Try Hard
starting a side hustle
selling my skills as freelance
starting a company
getting a bigger raise
Helping parents with $$$
Career & Work
Lost my job in March, and it's been over 2 months since. Nothing even remotely close to a job. Wondering if I'm missing something in my search, or if it's just poor timing.
new job
Went Well
got a raise
got approved for course work
got involved with agile teams
didn't burn many bridges, survived
went for an interview and proceeded almost to the end
learning from interviews for a recruiter project
describing my skills in a more specific way for a data role
Grant's Tableau project
NOT Well
haven't achieved any big goals, consider myself a fail
didn't coexist well with 1 agile group
have been on the defensive all year
didn't find a new job
not hanging out with many people at work
applications for Product Owner/ Manager roles
BAT application that I funged by saying I want a product role? why say this?
questioning my skills
seem to be getting more data roles
Tried Hard
make things work, find better ways to succeed
manage my time and commitments
manage my emotions in response to external stressors
help the agile teams
be a better manager
learn and expose product skills
DID NOT Try Hard
study CXL courses
revisit Data Science
learn Front-end
establish new relationships
find a job elsewhere
do well at job interviews
write better cover letters
rewrite my CVs
follow up on my applications
Health & Fitness
it's been a major focus for me in the last 3-4 years but it's been on a decline since mid-2017 it seems (or in any case since this new job started). in 2020, I intend to get back into an even better shape, this is the area where I have the most vision out of all the other areas - I know what I want and how to get it, but I have to resolve a few inconsistencies related to food and alcohol.
-weekly calories consumed
-days worked out
-days walked
-hours slept
-days with alco
-weight & BF%
Went Well
got Gravitus
following muscle people on IG
using more variety at the gym
using leg press to great effect
skin cleaned thanks to Russia
eye sight ok
sex health ok
dentist visit cheap
general healthier food habits - eating better when I am not under the influence
NOT Well
gained more weight
drinking more
fat mass gained
can't seem to come visit the GP
rarely walking
irregular gym visits
slacking off at the gym
overeating regularly while drinking at home
Tried Hard
eat clean
DID NOT Try Hard
quit alco
get my other health gestalts checked
Education & Skill Development
Went Well
read and understood Mastery principles
started doing FCC more consistently
developed a sense of GTM and its helpfulness
learned how to run Ads a bit better
studied Copywriting course on CXL
learned a few bits of JS
studied UX here and there
learned a bit more around design, Figma
picked up Launch School
learned from Ryan Kulp & LIVE vids
learned about website performance optimization
started consistently studying JS
IBM Design Thinking Course
Using Airtable to manage learning
NOT Well
losing Python & DS skills
rehashing old Tableau & SQL skills, not growing
didn't take many available high-value CXL courses
read random books but poor retention despite note taking
still not writing code of my own, doing tutorials
Tried Hard
reading and taking notes
finding, taking good courses
managing courses to take
use spaced repetition to study
DID NOT Try Hard
learning by practicing more coding
designing full end to end solutions and learning
using Webflow
learning more about Ads, stopped short of the new level
taking the CXL courses when I could
studying DS at all or Python for that matter
JS learning - I just dabbled
re-do JS code once I completed the challenges
try more no code tools
Social Life & Relationships
things are like they have been before. i don't take major risks for fear of rejection. this permeates my whole existence. so i stay in this potentiality of "non-rejection" until of course, I sometimes get rejected hard... this is the most underdeveloped area of my life to this day and I struggle to find a way here.
parties and outings
virtual catch ups
home parties
Went Well
more dates
a bit more hangouts /connection with work mates
one great date
keeping up some relationships I still have
new relatives in NZ
Jorge and metal bonding
NOT Well
not being invited anywhere
no solid new friends
skipping invitations I DO get
no long-term dating/gf
no one to go to concerts / parties
Tried Hard
kick the bad habits with some people
remain cheerful even when nothing much is happening
be nicer to people
DID NOT Try Hard
make new friends
be vulnerable
ask to be invited
commit to the plans I have made
meet with my Russian friends
Emotions & Wellbeing
I learned about self-esteem and its markers and its' awesome. but I need to not forget it or I fall back in the same routines and thinking again.
there must be a component of journaling that happens regularly and allows me to discard my thinking
I cannot afford a therapist and I'm not convinced that I need one yet, although perhaps its a mistake.
i will check out if I have ADHD and I must find new strategies regarding drinking and other things, but for now I'm ok
journaling habit
see other areas for decline due to this
Went Well
SE writing journaling
Controlling the urges to write to a date, being less attached (second part of the year)
Calmer and more balanced
read on Loneliness, good strategies
actively realising the self-esteem knowledge about myself
NOT Well
a few mild depressive episodes, esp in Russia
consistently lonely now, mostly at home
still over-react to unsaid/unmentioned "criticism"
not reaching out for help when needed, pushing away
Tried Hard
write regularly my SE journal
read and re-read SE book
working with a coach
BetterHelp and TalkSpace research and trials
DID NOT Try Hard
finding a therapist
meditating actively
TM meditation
Character & Integrity
i have never had a strong identity since I lost rapping, and now I am possibly slowly reacquiring one again - but I have much to learn. I don't have many good role models in life and so I find it difficult to find myself
Went Well
being more assertive
ascribing some sense of value from being a "UX guy"
NOT Well
not keeping my word often
not sticking to my values
often breaking my promises to myself in the same hour that I make them
doubting my abilities and worth
Tried Hard
have more integrity with people
DID NOT Try Hard
stick to my values
Productivity & Organization
Went Well
using Nirvana & GTD
using Airtable for wishlist
using Google Docs more
tech shabbat
NOT Well
distracted by the phone all the time
stopped using rescue time
Tried Hard
stick to the GTD method
keep things simple
DID NOT Try Hard
quit the phone habit
use the various blocking mechanisms
Adventure & Creativity
stifled by lack of funds and no friends to do stuff with... other creative things seem like
waste of time
if I'm not where I'm at financially - so I don't do them either. makes it more justifiable to consume stuff.
writing habit
explore visual arts
work on portfolio & apply new coding skills
Went Well
classical music gigs
Ghost in Moscow
DID NOT Try Hard
find new hobbies
making music
writing novels
taking any risks at all
NOT Well
no travel at all
Tried Hard
look for music options to go to
Habits & Routines
despite the various hacks from books, I still don't have a process for instilling habits, and I have mostly bad habits. in 2020 i should pay special attention to this area for it's the underpinning of everything
fell off the wagon on drinking and sleep since the pandemic
habit streaks
morning routine from 25/05/2020
Went Well
finding and checking out books at the library
SE writing in the morning
daily coding via FCC
daily walk
keeping accountability through Success Plan
NOT Well
waking up early
going to sleep at 10pm
eating below calories
buying alco after work / NW habit
drinking home alone
Tried Hard
eating below calories
SE writing
get a tan at least in the backyard
working out or walking daily
DID NOT Try Hard
waking up early
going to sleep at 10pm
working out regularly
walking regularly
getting rid of the NW/alco habit
quit drinking home alone