ASSURE Model questions-2132217_1280

I. Analyzing Learners ✍🏻

II. Stating Outcomes ⭐

III. Selection/Modification/Designing of the Instructional Methods, Media, and Materials ✔

IV. Utilization of the Media and Materials 🖊

V. Requiring Learner Participation 👩🏽‍🎓

VI. Evualiation and Revision 📊

This is the first and the most important step to utilize the media and materials to be selected, which has 3 general learner features to be taken into consideration.

Entry Competencies ℹ

Learning Styles 💡

General Characteristics 🗨

Being an acronym for its 6 steps, ASSURE Model is a systematic approach and a guide to lesson plannig, which integrates instructional media and technology together.

Much more information ‼

Students' ages 👶

Students' demographics (How many students are there, genders, etc.) 👥 👤

Students' interests or participation in the target lesson 👍 👎🏽

State students' knowledge of the prior topics which precede the target one that builds upon the prior ones.

For instance, if the target topic to be taught is Present Perfect Tense, Simple Present Tense is an "entry competency".

However, please note that not every prior learnt knowledge is an entry competency. Do not write down everything the student knows ❌

Physical ✋

Logical 🔢

Verbal 😮

Social 👥

Auditory 🔈

Solitary 👤

Visual 👁

When the learners are analyzed, the outcomes of the learning process are stated which are simply statements describing what the learners will achieve at the end of the learning. These outcomes are based on the curriculum and the teachers' analysis of their students and are specific, measurable, and observable changes in behavior.

These changes include the following

Psychomotor Skills (Pronunciation in ELT) letters-66951_1280

Social Skills (E.G: Group Work) achievement-3468104_640

Affective Skills (Emotions and Motivation, etc.) mental-2301393_1280

Intercultural Skills (E.G: Getting to know other cultural elements)

Cognitive Skills (Information) question-mark-2492009_1280

For these changes to be observable and measurable, ABCD is used:

Behavior (Expected change)

Condition (Circumstances under which the behavior is expected)

Audience (Your learners)

Degree (To which extend the behavior is expected)

An example outcome would be as following.

Students verbalize the main idea of a dialogue they listen to with a hundred percent accuracy when asked after a listening activity.




It is implementing various teaching methods to serve for the differential learning styles of the classroom environment. For ELT, some of them are as follows:

In this process of creating, adapting, or selecting materials, two points are taken into consideration.

Audiolingual Method

Direct Method



It is to utilize one or more than one of the 6 six main sorts of media.

Texts ✒

Motion Media 📹

Audio 🎙

Visuals 🖼

Manipulatives (Realia) 🍎

People 👥

A. Efficiency 👍🏾

B. Effectiveness 🎯

It is about whether the material to be selected function in the best possible manner, without much waste of time and labour.

It is about whether the material to be selected serve the purpose of producing the learning outcomes.


Textual References

Visual References

Lecture Notes

Stock Photos from

Coursebook [Heinich et al. (2001)]

In-built Icons from Coggle

Course PPT Slide Shows

This step, which divides into three substeps, can simply be regarded as the overall preparation part as to how to utilize the media and materials in the best possible way.

Previewing the materials, technology, and media 📋

Preparing the environment 🏫

Preparing the learners 👩🏾‍🎓

Materials can either be selected directly or modified for the learners' needs or be created from scratch.

Material Selection 🤔

Material Creation 💻

Material Modification 👨🏿‍🏫

The decision of using a material as it is should be done according to a systematic evaluation of some questions to be asked [see more in Heinich et al. (2001), Chapter 3].

Does it contain clear language?

Is there evidence of effectiveness?

Is it accurate and current?

Does it provide for learner participation?

Does it match the curriculum?

If a completely suitable material cannot be chosen, the material found can be modified in some of its sums to have a more relatable material, which can be done in 4 ways.





E.G: If an unnecessary element is found in an activity sheet or it is irrelevant with what is taught, it can simply be removed.

E.G: If seen necessary, more activities can be added in an activity sheet or the ones already there can be expanded.

E.G: A difficult listening passage in an activity sheet can be replaced with an easier one or can even be recorded by the teacher himself/herself.

E.G: A difficult reading passage in an activity sheet can be simplified using more basic words and sentences.

This should be the last resort of a teacher as it is mostly a time-consuming and a laborious work. If necessary to do, however, the questions asked as in the case of material selection should be included while creating a material as well.

Environment preparation is ensuring that everything in the classroom is functioning properly. E.G: Checking the electricity, arranging the desks, etc.

E.G: A broad introduction to the topic of the day, motivating them, activating their background knowledge.

Checking to see whether the materials, tech, and media functions properly before the class starts is previewing them. E.G: Checking the smartboard, worksheet, quiz, etc.

This step, which builds upon all the preceding ones, is where the lesson actually starts. In this step, all the activities to be done and their relevant skills as well as the questions to be asked to the learners are stated clearly.

Activities to Do workshop-2209239_1280

Skills to be Practiced grow-583785_1280

Questions to be Asked question-mark-2110767_1280

The related skills of the activites to do in the class are written in this subsection. E.G: If a listening activity is done, then, listening is the skill practiced.

Introduction 👩🏻‍🏫

Presenting Grammar, Vocab, Pronunciation ㊗

Lead-in 🏁

Activities 📖

Warm-up 🏃

Wrap-up 🚩

It generally has no relation to the topic of the lesson, and it is used to motivate the learners.

It leads the students to the focus of the topic as well as activating their background knowledge with the use of activities.

The topic of the day is introduced and written on the board.

Grammatical structures, lexical items, and pronunciation are presented or given through activities to be done within an inductive approach.

They are done in 5 steps.

As the name suggests, the questions wanted to be asked are stated in this subsection of the ASSURE Lesson Plan.

1. Organizing the students

2. Giving the instructions and checking their clarity

3. Setting the time and starting the activity

4. Monitoring the students

5. Finishing the activity and exchanging feedback

It is done at the end of the course and has 3 purposes.

A. One last summary to be done by the learners

B. Assigning homework

C. Informing students the goals of the next class

Although the final part of the ASSURE Model, it is not the last step to take. Rather, the evaluation and revision happen even before selecting the instructional materials, and it continues its existence throughout the process of learning.

Evaluating Learners

Evaluating the Media and Methods

Evaluating Instructor Performance (Revision)

It is assessing whether or not the expected learning outcomes are achieved by the learners.

It is the assessment of whether or not the implemented media and methods have been effectively utilized in the classroom.

Revision is the self-evaluation of the instructor, which assesses whether or not she/he has successfully actualized the lesson plan, class management, etc.