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Seek for doctor consultation
Within operatingtime?
download Nightingale
Open APP
Proceed to Login ?
NOT to Login
Out of service time
Home page,read the content
Login AppUser login NP -6
successful login,without pending consultation ✅
Try triage flow ❓
click to edit
Invalid password ⛔
user does not exist ⛔
Service down ⛔
successful loginpending consultation user login, pending consultation NP-7
doctor not yet initialize consultation
doctor already initiated consult
Forgot password[Forgot password NP-15](
send reset email with link to reset password ✅
Email does not exist ⛔
Ineligible for consultationINeligible for consultation NP-11
Eligible for this service
NO Login created
Profile exist?
Add symptomsTriage - Add Symptoms NP-23
Upload Photo (Optional)Triage - Upload Photo NP-22
Proceed to select doctor
Please Refer toLogin APPUser login NP -6
No profile before, proceed to register
RegisterJIRA LINK: Register NP -4
registered new user ✅
Verify Phone numberNP-13
Register successfulcontinueRegister NP -4
Create patient profileCreate patient profile NP-5
login successful
select doctorby Genderby languageselect doctor NP-12
multiple doctor match
one doctor matched
selection donecontinueselect doctor NP-12
save selectionto profileselect doctor NP-12
view estimatepricingPrice quote NP -14
continueconsultationprice quote NP-14
Previous doctorselection still valid?
Price quote NP -14
select doctorby gender& languagePrice quote NP-14
send consultantrequest to doctor
waiting for doctorto consult
Doctor available?
Not available ❓
Notify customerno service availableright nowand advise theoperating hour ❓
Notify topatient
waiting time to consult
Notification ofdoctor start consultationConsultation notification NP-8
customer get back within 15 mins
Start videoconsultation
end videoconsultation
wait foroutput
select delivery
input deliveryaddress
Patient cancheck medicaldocumentation
medicinenot able to deliver ❓
in app feedback
follow upcall
Do not pay ❓
no needmedicine
selectself pick up
customer get back after 15 mins ⛔
duplicate email ⛔
invalid field format ⛔
service down ⛔
missing field ⛔
not yet confirmRetry to send code
password do not match ⛔
Message to alertpatient that doctoronly availablefrom 9am to 12am ❓
Create profilesuccessfulCreate patient profile NP-5
Code expiredretry to send code
Check Term & conditionsTerms and Conditions NP-9
successful upload
fail to upload ⛔
Do not accept
Not match
HKID format not correct ⛔
Missing mandatory filed ⛔
Fail to upload photo , re-upload