TERM 4 Civics and Citizenship Mind Map
Week 1
wednesday: Essay revision. separation of powers.The concept of the separation of powers between the legislature, executive and
judiciary and how it seeks to prevent the excessive concentration of power
thursday: Civics and civilisation booklet. relief teacher
tuesday: Introduction to civics and civilisation. 6 concepts:
1.Rights and Responsibilities
4.The westminster system
6.Deomocratic values
friday: civics and civilisation booklet: complete. relief teacher
Week 2
three levels of government:federal government,state and territory governments,local governments.
The constitution was brought into affect on 1 january 1901
roles of groups in government.- Governor general- 2 houses of parliament
Week 3
Test 1
Revision booklet-Federal, state, local levels of government
THE CONSTITUTION is: the supreme law that the government of the Commonwealth of Australia operates, including its relationship to the States of Australia.
it contains:Laws and orders corresponding to the rules and guidelines for australia's commonwealth.
it came into affect on the 1st of january 1901
Week 4
succesful referendum in 1967-aboriginal rights-10%no 90%yes
changing the constitution. A referendum is held to change a set of rules or guidelines including the constitution. we change the constitution so that we have better rules to fit our government or our country, such as aboriginal rights, before the 1967 referendum they were specifically excluded from this.
unsuccessful referendum 1999-whether australia should become a referendum or not 54% no 46% yes
Week 5
Week 6
Examples of referendums
the issue voted on in the 1967 referendum was whether aboriginals had the right to vote.
Some arguments to vote yes are: that they should be allowed to vote so that it is fair
the result of the 1967 referendum was 90% yes and 10% no
the issue that was voted on in the 1999 referendum was whether or not australia should become a republic.
yes reasons why australia should become a republic is that: then we would have an australian leader not a british.
we would have a leader voted in not "born" in.
other reasons though are that australias government or "president" might go corrupt
the result of the 1999 referendum was 90% no and 10% yes
the legislative, judiciary and executive need to be kept apart so thatthay dont influence each other
Essay revision,Essay revision, Essay Changing The Constitution, ACES project