Budget 2020
1.2 Billion Euro to Respond to Brexit
200 Million Euro in Brexit Expenditure Available Next Year
19,000 New Jobs are Expected to be Created
Borrow Money
Rainy Day Fund
Save Money
Extra 1.5 Billion Euro
Cigarettes Increase in Price
Extra 20 Million Euro for Homeless Services
Total Funding in 2020: 166 Million Euro
Social Welfare
Living Alone Allowance Rises by 5 Euro
Fuel Allowance Rises by 2 Euro
Child Benefit Increases by 3 Euro for Children Over 12 and 2 Euro for Children under 12
Climate Change
Prices for Auto Fuels Rise
Medical Card Income Increases
All Prescription Charges Dropped by 50 Cent
17.4 Billion Euro in Budget, Largest Ever
2 Billion Euro Investment in Rural Ireland
An Additional 51 Million Euro for the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
17 Million Euro for the Department of Rural and Community Development
120 Million Euro Increase Towards the Department of Justice and Policing
700 New Garda Recruits
Extra Civilian Staff
New Forensic Science Laboratory and the Redevelopment of Limerick Prison
New Garda Offices in Dublin
1000 Additional SNAs
400 Additional Teaching Posts
11 Billion Euro Budget
Additional Allocations for the Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht
Support for Artists Biodiversity and the Restoration of Peatlands
Emission Based Tax Introduced for New Cars