Storm catchers
Main characters
Tim Bowler
Tim Bowler is an English author of books for chhildren, teenagers and young adults. He debuted in 1994 eith the book Midget. He had written 20 books and won 15 awards.
Tim Bowler is an English author of books for chhildren, teenagers and young adults. He debuted in 1994 eith the book Midget. He had written 20 books and won 15 awards.
He is born and raised in the UK.
I noticed that the way he wrote the story. He used words that are typicalay from the UK.
Now he lives in Denton with his wife.
The kidnapper
The kidnapper is the antagonist, because he is the animy of the protagonist Fin. That's because he kidnappt his sister and he is an obstacle to achieve Fins goal
Fin is the protagonist, because he is the one who has an goal in the story. I doubted that it was maybe Ella, but Ella didn't have a specific goal. Of course she wanted to escape from the kidnapper, but the whole story is about how Fin is going to find Ella.
Sammy is the anti-hero, because he helps Fin to find their sister. But Sammy did do that without his knowing.
The whole story was written in the present.
Fin watched the helicopter wheel away into the sky. (ch.18 page 155)
Sometimes there are flashbacks.
Somtetimes there are flashbacks.
The book is about Ella that gets kidnapped.
It's really misterious, because you don't know if Fin is going to find her.
Young adult
The protagonist (Fin) and the antagonist (Ella) are both young adults.
This story is written for you adults.
Point of view
Third person
The author is telling the story
Fin stopped outside the house, breathing hard after running up the hill from Billy's, and soaked through from the rain. (ch.2 page 9)
First person
Sometimes there is a sentence with an apostrophe in the text.
'I have to have some proof she's alive.' said Dad.
Cover of the book