The Legacy of Greece


Science & technology


Greece created one of the first democracies and influenced many countries and regions to form the government they have today.

Greek philosophers and mathematicians came up with many scientific theories about the Earth (the Earth is the center of the universe, the sun is actually larger than Earth).

Philosophers theorized that everything might not happen because the gods made it happen. They started using evidence and science behind their reasonings for natural disasters and tragedies.

Greek columns were one of the strongest, most used pieces of architecture in that time area. To this day, many museums and monuments honor Greece by using these types of columns. These columns helped Greek buildings, such as the Parthenon, stand for thousands of years.


Greece was largely invested in the arts, creating many plays about tragedy and comedy. These set the stage for many musicals and artistic factors of our life today.

Pottery and painting were a large part of Greek culture during their Golden Age. The illustrations and people on these vases give us a glimpse into Greek culture and their life thousands of years ago. This artwork can help us understand what other regions lived like and what might happen to the future of our planet. With the Greeks helping us understand the past, we are closer to figuring out our future.

The people of Greece invented many things during their Golden Age. Some of the more memorable things we still use to this day. Watermills, alarm clocks and the basics of Geometry are all things that shape our everyday life.

The Greek city-states all had different forms of government, limiting the control of certain people in some city-states. Some of these forms of government were democracies, monarchies, and oligarchies.

Greeks created and sculpted a lot of statues during their time. These statues took the shape of rulers, heroes, gods, goddesses, etc.

Greeks created temples and buildings to worship their gods, give sacrifices, and bury their dead. These buildings give us more information about Greek culture and what they believed their gods controlled and how they worshiped them.

The people who lived in Athens during the Golden Age of Greece were known to be great artists. A lot of empires around the world admired Athens for their focus on not only intelligence but also the arts. They did this all while maintaining a high military stance and was one of the most powerful city-states in Greece.


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