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Lang delays, disorders in children 0-5y/o (Definitions (Disorder vs. delay…
Lang delays, disorders in children 0-5y/o
Clear anatomical, physio, neuro cause
eg. ASD, hearing impairment, intellectual disability, GDD, acquired brain injury (TBI is secondary to underlying cause, stroke)
Organic, secondary
Majority have no known cause
Functional, primary
Receptive vs. expressive
Difficulty in comprehension, unds
To test: following step commands
Difficulty in production lang: vocab, grammar, sequencing
Roth & Worthington (2011)
12m: produces >5 words (starting to use first words)
18m: 10-20 words, hoping to see approx 50w to begin using 2 word combinations
2y/o: 50-200 words: want to hear verbs also
3y/o: 900-1200words
4 y/o: 1500-1600w
5 y/o: 2100-2200w
Lang model
Semantics, semantic r/s, vocab. 8m infants dev. intentionally in communication, thru gestures. Vocab: indv's personal dictionary of words and meanings=lexicon
Fast, initial mapping: able to acquire new words quickly, w limited meanings, from limited exposure, one way children's vocab grows so quickly, quick incidental learning
Underextensions: child's defn is too restrictive, more limited than in adult use. Only the child's cup
Overextensions: defn too broad, beyond acceptable adult usage. Daddy=all men. Want to reduction in use by 2.5 years
Syntax (very rule governed), sentence structures (simple, compound, complex)
Morpho (prefixes, suffixes)- smallest meaningful unit in lang. Free, bound morpheme. Children have diff unds of what each type of morpheme is. Brown's 14 morphemes
Phon (sound system of lang)
Pragmatics, convey to diff audience, purpose of communication
Primitive speech acts: make requests, protest, answer, repeat, label, greeting, practicing
showing feelings, emotions
take turns, use eye contact, initiate interactions
Also interaction of these areas
Syntax: organisational rules specifying word order, sentence organisation
Morphology: Rule governing change in meaning at intra-word level
Phon: rules governing structure, distribution, sequencing of speech sound patterns
Semantics: meaning of words
Pragmatics: lang use in communication context eg. eye contact
Disorder vs. delay
Disorder: unusual patterns of maturing. Difficulties in areas of receptive, expressive lang which continue past 5 y/o
Delay: in early years, slowness in maturing, child will eventually catch up bcos they are still following typical course of dev
Lang disorder:
disruption in form, use, content in isolation or combined. An impairment in comprehension and/or use of spoken, written and/or symbol system
May involve
Form of lang, content of lang and/or function of lang in communication in any combination.
Eg.autism, person may have strong semantic, know alot about dinosaurs.
Wrong, omitted, over-generalised tense forms, plural
omitted aux verbs
comprehension of sentences is variable
wrong word order
reliance on short, simple sentences
small, restricted vocab
word finding difficulties
using words in wrong place/context
using empty speech, non-specific
Inappropriate eye contact (limited/avoids)
X turn-take
Use communication for restricted range of purposes
lang disorder
language impairment
lang disability
lang learning disability
specific lang impairment
7.4% of children had lang disorder, much more freq cf. autism
Lang delay
Children present with protracted dev of lang, follow typical course of dev, profiles match those of younger, typically dev children rather than chronologically matched peers
13.4% reported to have delayed expressive, receptive lang dev, determined by parent report
Late talkers
Early lang in Victoria study: 19.7% children at 2;0
2;0: lang comprehension is normal, <50w in expressive vocab, not using word combi
Red flags
1 year
X babbling, X response to name, X communication intent, gestures
2 years
X produce 2 word combi, X follow simple directions, X engage in play pretend, show frustration expressing needs
3 years
X have 50w
X produce 2 word phrase freq
X ask qns
Difficult time being unds by strangers most of time
X respond to yes/no qns
X combine several actions during play
4 years
X use 3-4 word phrases
X use grammatical endings
Repeats/echoes everything heard, little comprehension
X engage in pretend play
Extremely short attention span even for short activities
5 years
X ask several qns
Difficulty formulating sentences by word order omissions, confused word order, delete word endings
X retell simple story w sequence
X talk about past, future
X follow 3 stage commands
Impacts of lang difficulties
Social r/s
Literacy difficulties
Academic difficulties
Associated w behaviour problem
Compare w normative, standardised sample,
Eg. parent-child interaction, lang sample
How is child communicating: joint visual attention, age appropriate eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, sounds, types of words, single words, word combi
Why is child communicating, play, parent-child interaction eg. Is parent doing nice waiting or just jumping in? Following child's lead? Does child have communication intent? Showing diff toys, making adults do sth for them.
Lang sampling
as impt component of clinical evaluation of children's lang abilities.
Goal: elicit sample of child's most mature lang and/or comm skills
Benefits: realistic interpretation of performance of linguistic capabilities, efficient and valid rationale for assessments of lang
Conversation 1
Play-based lang sample
Conversation 2
W adult partner: rules of discourse eg. turn taking, topic maintenance, conversation repair
Narratives 1
More structured, story telling eg. picture, event, get them to watch model, retell
Narratives 2
Expository/procedural (acquired later in childhood thru adolescence) eg. steps in how you get ready for school. Need to think what is age appropriate for child
Gathering, transcribing
Utterance: sounds (all interjections, repetitions, sentences that are meaningful, intelligible, add to conversation
Each fully intelligible utterance assigned an utterance no., unintelligible uttterances not numbered
Analyses usually requires at least 50 utterances, but aim for 100 utterances
Agent-action, action-object, possessor-possession
MLU: mean length of utterance
Average length of morphemes in speaker's utterances
what is considered the norm
count no. of morphemes, total them, divided by total no. of utterances
Assess grammatical structures: tense verbs, irregular forms of plural, past tense, simple, complex sentence construction
Bus Story test
Scores for sentence length, scores for subordinate clauses (complex, compound sentences)