RQ: What effects does population size have on nitrate levels in water?
Exigence/Big ideas
Human activities/practices are main contributor of excessive nitrate levels in water. #
Excessive nitrate levels causes harmful risks to both human, animal, and aquatic life.
Taneja, P., Labhasetwar, P., Nagarnaik, P., & Ensink, J.,. #
Smiciklas, K., Moore, A., Adams, J., & Smiciklas, K. #
Allaire, M., Wu, H., Lall, U., & Allaire, M. #
Vitousek, P., Aber, J., Howarth, R., Likens, G., Matson, P., Schindler, D., &Tilman, D. #
Zhou, S., Huang, Y., Yu, B., & Wang, G.
Wick, K., Heumesser, C., & Schmid, E. (2012). #
Fertilizer Nitrogen Practices and Nitrate Levels in
Surface Water Within an Illinois Watershed.
The risk of cancer as a result of elevated
levels of nitrate in drinking water and vegetables in Central India
National trends in drinking water quality violations
Human Alteration of the Global Nitrogen Cycle: Sources and Consequences. Ecological Applications
Effects of human activities on the eco-environment in the middle Heihe River Basin based on an extended environmental Kuznets curve model.
Gap/Need for my research
My research provides a study on how population affects nitrate concentration in a developed country.
My research examines whether there is any correlation between population size (smaller or larger) and nitrate concentrations in creeks specific to the Austin area
Various research focuses on water quality in undeveloped countries as opposed to developed countries #
Nitrate concentrations in drinking water is linked to increased risk for cancer. #
Human activities such as use of fertilizer for agriculture contribute to elevated nitrate levels in Lake Bloomington. Rainfall allows fertilizer to seep into ground and flow into lakes, many of which serve as sources for individuals drinking water. #
The rate of nitrogen into the terrestrial nitrogen cycle is planned to double and is also predicted to further increase #
Groundwater nitrate contamination: Factors and indicators.
Targeting utilities that are underperforming is one approach to improve compliance and consistently provide safe drinking water. #
Identifying significant determinants of groundwater nitrate contamination is critical in order to define sensible agri-environmental indicators that support the design, enforcement, and monitoring of regulatory policies. #
No nationwide assessment has yet been conducted on trends in drinking water quality violations across several decades #
Water Contamination Events
Elk River Chemical Spill #
Formation of unregulated toxins during algal blooms in Toledo, Ohio. #
Flint Water Crisis #
My research consists of a larger sample size and set of variables. #
Monitoring water quality to ensure nitrate levels and other contaminants in water does not exceed the set maximum contaminant level.
All work together and generate a gap.
Practices such as urbanization, industrial development, agricultural activities, and mining enterprises have caused water contamination and its most common sources are from human actions. #