kindness and compassion, chapter 8

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imagination to help switching our minds to compassion and kindness

Flow of compassion

directing compassion outwards

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mindful imagery

safe place

Imagination is

compassionate colour


direct thinking and attention to activate soothing part of brain

don't have to be good at imagining- just try

not a claer picture

creating a snese, i/e/ imagine a door handle

fleeting, fragmented

effort of creating things in our minds

bring it back gently

noticing and redirecting most imprtant

mind will wander

thoughts like, I can't do this, what's the purpose, can't feel enaything etc normal, just notice and redirect attention wih kindness and non-judgmental

practise helps t improve- like piano

Bex: bretahing, then allow mind to create a safe place (as in GI)

allow your body torealx, allow gentle smile on your face

palce of safeness, calm, peacfulness

the place itself feels joy of you being there

explore feelings of being there

it's not to escape but to practice sootthng the mind

if image difficult, imagine compassionate colour of (usually pastel)

Bex: engage in soothing breathing, imagine a colour that is compassionate that conveys a sense of kindness, warmth.Colour surrounding you, entering through your hearth into your focus on colour having wisdom, strengths, warmth, kindness, create a facial expression of kindness

compassion qualities:

key qualities: ; kindness, openness, generosity, wisdom, strengths, warmth, judgemental

openness to desire to see others flourish and taking joy in this

sensitve to distress with a desire and commitmnet to elivieate it

clwoing into us from ohers

compassion fro ourselves

flowin out to others

compassionate self

Bex: rhytimal breathing, imagine youre a kind, wise and compassionate person- ... see handout PG, 1, becoming a comapssionate , see handout compassionate self for detail.

Bex: compassion under the duvet, am or pm in bed,
rhythmical breathing,
wearing a kindly expression
commitment to try as best as you can to become a compassionate person
use anytime such as on bus etc

Wanting to be free of depression : Bex: may I ... see handout PG, 2, wanting to be free of depression

work o nnner kindness, how to focus on it, build on it, leran to direct it and practice it.

compassion towards the more difficult parts of ourselves: Bex; ...see handout PG, 3,compassion towards the more difficult parts of ourselves

Ex: like actors, learning to generate a feeling so that they can convey it. this changes body and physiology, i.e. heart rate increases

compassion for other , Bex: see handout PG, 4, compassion and kindness for oters

being joyful in others flourishing