Classification of market environment



marketing policies and strategies adopted by the company based on their own marketing philosophy






can also be members, employees, finance or HR department

this is beyond the control of the company



refers to elements or forces that affect the business directly

beyond the control of the company and affects the company indirectly








External Environment (Macro)

Demographic Forces

before setting up a business, one should gather demographic information

demography refers to studying the population in terms of density, size, gender and race.

this is important because these constitute the potential market for the company


Babies: demand for toys, baby foods, accessories

Younger Audience: Cosmetics, Designer Fashionable goods and lifestyle goods

Changing habits, taste and preferences provide direction to marketers

Demography is important as it helps to divide the population into target markets

Natural Forces

includes natural resources used as an input that affects their marketing activities.


shortage of raw materials

air pollution

land pollution

noise pollution

ability for a company to make the product becomes increasingly difficult

pollution casuses social cost

sociologists and ecologists asses this social cost, this affects the company's reputation if they company is indulging in actions that are damaging the environment.

to maintain ecological balance the marketer has to keep this in mind

Control the environmental consequences of the product by adopting green production

Following the environmental criteria while deciding on product ingredients, design and packaging

Respond to issues raised by the environmentalists and consumerists

Technological Forces

one of the fastest changing factors in the macro-environment

Technological environment refers to the state of technology in areas of production, manufacture, construction or mining,

Advances in technology

greater productivity

low cost of production

higher quality

requires high capital investment

may lead to unemployment where men are replaced by machines.

due to which, labour unions oppose the introduction of new technology

increasing trend of e-commerce because of easier availability of information

marketers must constantly observe and keep track of competition and customer wants

Socio-Cultural Forces

includes basic beliefs, values and institutions

this determines the value system of the environment

this affects the marketing efforts

sociological aspects like caste, customs and culture

have far reaching influence on business



employment of women in factories and offices have increased

people's attitudes towards food and clothing have also changed.

code of conduct a business should follow

if a business practices unethical practices, the government will intervene to discipline it.

if a company isn't paying fair wages to traders, trade unions and the government will intervene