1).Legislative powers and functions—The primary role of parliament is to make laws for the governance of the country.Usually Parliament make laws on the union and concurrent list but in five abnormal situations it can also make laws on the state list. Delegated Legislation—The parliament makes laws in a skeleton form and authorises the executive to make detailed rules and regulations within the framework of the law this is known as delegated legislation.
2).Executive powers and functions—The constitution of India established a parliamentary form of govt.in which executive are responsible to the parliament for its policies and acts.
Hence,the parliament exercise control over the executive with the help of Question hour,Zero hour,Censure motion,motion of thanks,No confidence motion,etc.3).Financial powers and functions—No tax can be levied or collected and no expenditure can be incurred by the executive without the approval of parliament through the help of budget approval. Rule of Lapse—If the granted money is not spend by the end of the financial year,then the balance expires and returns to the consolidated fund of India.This practice is known as rule of lapse.
4).Constituent powers and functions—The parliament is vested with the powers to amend the constitution except the basic structure of the constitution.5).Judicial powers and functions—It can also impeach the president,Vice President,judges of SC,etc.6).Electoral power and functions—The parliament participates in the election of the president,Vice President,speaker,chairman and also deputy one.7).Other Powers—a).It can create or abolish the state legislative councils.
b).It can increase or decrease the area of the state.