(Davies, p1184) "Good mental health enables an individual to contribute to his or her community, cope with the stresses of everyday life, work productively and realise their potential. In rural Australia, the arts are an important outlet for relaxation, self‐reflection and enjoyment. Arts programs for disconnected youth and for people experiencing mental ill health have been linked with improved confidence, self‐esteem and hope for the future. In the elderly, arts engagement reduces depressed mood and promotes positive ageing.Where population‐based studies have been conducted, arts engagement has been linked with increased perceptions of happiness, resilience and quality of life. A recent Western Australian study found, after adjustment for covariates (i.e. age, sex, location, income, education, marital status, children, general health, sports engagement, religious activities and holidays), that two or more hours per week of arts engagement was associated with better mental wellbeing than those with none or lower levels of engagement."