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PBIS (Hyperactivity (Tier 1 (Break down directions (Simplify language (be…
Student may
Be out of seat (walking around doing various activities), easily distracted, stands up and sits down often, fidgets with hair or hands, shifts and moves, does not finish thoughts or tasks
Tier 1
Break down directions
Simplify language (be concise and clear)
After explaining show the student
Allow a break after student does a portion of the work
Read or review directions one step at a time
Individual workspace
Move desk closer to teacher
Using sound elimination earphones
Using desks or books as a divider to move student away
Using a timer
Set timer on desk or remind student of time
Challenge student to beat the timer
Use for breaking up assignment and giving student time to move once it's finished
Tier 2
Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
Use a data tracking form to asses behavior, if you choose then analyze and use a behavior plan form to implement specific interventions and class supports. Meet with parents, student, other teachers and support staff to review plan and have everyone sign.
Sensory Tools
Not limited to: fidget spinners, stress balls, dimmer lights, support toy, Play Doh, scented markers/stickers, pillows, assignments with feeling and touching objects
Reward System
Talk to student/parent to find out what reward is preferred
Praise for positive behaviors, completing tasks and meeting expectations
Send home positive note when behaviors, expectations and tasks are met
Lack of Participation
Student may
Be withdrawn or shy, avoid eye contact, sad or unhappy, frequently say 'I don't know", frustrated, disinterested and unengaged, has trouble learning, looks down, pretends to sleep
Tier 1
Implement non-verbal cues
Give hand signals for bathroom, yes and no, help for student to participate
Have student pick the sign if possible
Practice with student
Assign a buddy/partner
Pick a buddy to be a good role model, talk with both students individually and then talk to them as a pair and explain why they are assigned together
Proximity to students
Set up classroom so you are able to walk around
Maintain proximity to risk students when giving directions
Give instruction differently each time
Place students who need more monitoring/help close to you
Tier 2
Functional Behavior Assessment
Download a Simple Functional Behavior Assessment (SFBA) and complete it.
If the SFBA does not yield enough data and insight to determine the function of behavior, download and complete the Intensive Functional Behavior Assessment form available below (IFBA)
Gather information and data from the student’s records, parents, teachers, and any other staff that work with the student
Develop a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) after
Social Stories
Used when a student need reinforcement on norms, routines, expectations, is disorganized, fails to do assignments, does not respond to cures or redirection
Can find one online or ask your Resource Room teacher for assistance if you need help creating a social story or getting it started
Basic Social Story Steps
Create a list or outline of the steps in the routine or procedure the student needs work or reinforcement on, like behavior in the hall, using the bathroom, starting work, asking for help, etc
For each step of the process, develop a simple sentence to explain the step, for example “open your desk and get your book out”, or “walk to the door and knock”, etc
Next to each step and sentence, utilize a picture to represent the action, either a generic image or graphic, or an actual picture of the student performing that step
When the social story is complete, review it with the student daily before they perform that routine, procedure, or activity
After the student learns the social story well, have them review it on their own before they perform that routine, procedure, or activity
You may slowly wean the student off the social story as they consistently perform the task correctly
Counselor Referral
When student's needs are beyond what help teacher can provide