‘Addressability & First Party Data: Produce Addressability reporting containing 5 key metrics by product area’
- Percentage of streams with a useable ID (20%)
streams with GDPR condsent
- Percentage of addressable streams based on the pyramid (20%)
- Revenue (20%)
- ARPU (20%)
- Potential impact to revenue if we increase percentage of streams with a useable ID (20%)
Target Date:
31st Jan (depending on GDPR work DDR-1855)
new date tbc once resources are confirmed
Delay on this ticket due to the unexpected complexity more resources needed
Target Date:
31st Jan (depending on GDPR work DDR-1855)
new date tbc once resources are confirmed
Delay on this ticket due to the unexpected complexity more resources needed
Target Date:
End of Feb
Where do we get this data from?
Elly - Dax Audio
What do we need from Elly to get the calculation?
Agreed to leave to Elly the calculation
define Revenue calculation method
Target Date
Feb Marc
Target Date? March
What do we want the end result to look like?
Do we need any Data Science support on this?
Who's the Project Manager? Enrica
How often do we need to have progress updates?
weekly with Steve
every 2 weeks with Elly
click to edit
What Engineering resource will we need?
FIlter on GDPR consent streams
how do we identify streams with DAX ads
do we serve ads according to any addressable element?
how can we identify which element?
is it targeted? T/F
sync with Amanda on Business revenue
join DAX impressions to A1
validate join between the two using listener id and timestamp
Ask Alan
dax streams with ad have gdpr consent
DMP investigation
DAX - Distinct Number of Nielsen id ->different metrics to our DMP id -> streams that have a Nielsen id
Nielsen id not only from streaming
eg.web users that read but do not listen