Energy and its
Energy source
Household use
Industrial uses
energy sources
By origin
By use in each country
By availability in nature and capacity for
By environmental impact
. Electric power plants
. Transport and distribution of electrical energy I
How an electric power plant works
Transporting it by high voltage cable attached to towers
Decreasing the voltage at the electncity substations to 3-30 kV
Increasing the voltage to 220 000 V or 400 000 V to prevent significant energy loss, due to the Joule effect
Distnbution to homes, offices, industnes and public faolities Dunngthis srage, the voltage is reduced to 230-400 V.
Conventional electric power plant
Fossil fuel thermal power plants
Hydroelectric power plants
Nuclear power plants
nuclear fission reactor
Combined cycle power plan
Gravity-driven hydraulic power plants
water used follows the course of a river and will not be reused
Pump-dniven hydraulic power plants
water descends into a reservoir located at a lower height, then pumped to a higher reservoir to reuse it
Non-conventional electric power plants
Geothermal power plants
Biomass thermal power plants
Solar power plants
Wind power plants and wind farms
wind turbine
wind farms
Photovoltaic power plant
Photo-thermal power plant
geothermal energy
Specific crops, such as sunflowers and cougar beet.
Forestry and agricultural waste
kyraste from agri-food industries.
ocean power plants
click to edit
The mechanical energy from the tides.
The mechanical energy from the waves.
The energy from the ocean's thermal gradient
Environmental impact
Waste treatment
Some solutions
Environmental impacts
Environmental impact assessment
Type of energy consumed
Environmental impact
Disadvantages and risks
type of power plant
Fuel transport
Electricity generation
Extraction of natural resources
Final energy us
thermal power plants
nuclear power plants
a low sulphur content
forested areas
Energy savings
Energy diversification