ERP is a type of CBT, Lehmkuhl et al (2008) researched the application of this form of treatment with a 12 year old boy referred to Jason, who had both OCD and autism, it can be difficult to differentiate ASD ritual to those of OCD, however cleaning and counting tend to be a common one, Jason suffered from contamination fear, excessive hand washing and checking. He would spend several hours engaging in these activities. EPR consists of gathering information about existing symptoms, therapist initiated epr, generaliasation and relapse training. Jason attended ten 50 minute CBT sessions over 16 weeks. Jason first identified feelings of distress and with the help of the therapist, learned coping methods for when he felt anxious
The next step involved exposing Jsson to stimuli which he felt anixtety from. The exposure involved Jason to interact and touch things which caused disgust such as door knobs, until he became habituated and anxiety levels dropped, Exposures became increasingly difficult allowing Jason to interact with things hat cuased significant axniety. He pracitced by excuting speciifcs tasks in normal envirement that deal with his contamination fear, after completing his therapy, jasons score on thr Y-BOCS test had dropped severely at stayed low for months, his parents reported an improvement in his symptomms