The articles of incorporation must be signed by the founding members of the union or by persons requested to do so, in the event that one or more of them did not know or could not sign, and shall state the type of union, its legal address, the number of members, and the names, surnames and number of personal identity cards of those who make up the Board of Directors.
In the case of federations, confederations or centrals, the constitutive act will be signed by the representatives of the respective founding organizations, and will state their address and the name and address of all the organizations that make it up, and the names, surnames and number of identity cards staff of the members of the Board of Directors.
On the other hand, objections to the application for registration will only be formulated in the following cases:Article 354:
- If the union does not propose the purpose foreseen in the article. 2. If it was not constituted with the number of members established in article 344; or
- If the documentation required by article 352 is not properly presented.
The registration of a union can only be refused:Article 355:
- When the interested parties do not promptly correct the errors or deficiencies that the Ministry has indicated to them in the manner provided in article 353;
- When, in the case of a workers' union, it is found that the union is evidently controlled by an employer, group or organization of employers; or
- In the case of a union constituted in violation of the provisions of article 346.