Paragraph 5. The tax base is:
to. In the transfers of goods: it is the price. Said price will be integrated with all the amounts charged to the buyer or borrower, such as the ancillary services that the taxpayer makes and that benefits the acquirer, such as transportation, freight, packaging, financing interest, whether they are invoiced jointly or separately. . In the case of services, the price will be understood as the amount of the agreed professional fees.
b. In the swap: the amount of the most valuable benefit.
c. In payments in payment, in contributions to companies or in any other taxable event that transfers ownership of the personal property or a service is rendered: the value of the transferred goods or services rendered.
d. In imports: the CIF value plus all taxes, fees, duties, contributions or customs charges that affect the imported goods. In those cases where the CIF value of the goods is not known, it will be determined by adding fifteen percent (15%) of it to the FOB value. By CIF value (Cost, Insurance and Freight), it is understood the cost of the free goods on board the ship or maritime, air or land vehicle in which it is transported to the Republic of Panama, either directly or through a transshipment port; It also includes the expenses for document preparation and other necessary expenses incurred in the port of shipment, the cost of freight, insurance, commissions and brokerage to the first docking point in the national territory.
and. In the leasing of movable tangible property and in other acts that involve or have the purpose of giving the use or enjoyment of the property: the invoiced value of the rent or, failing that, the value of the contract, during the entire term of its validity, provided that said amount is not less than the depreciation, when applicable, with which the asset is affected in the same period.
F. In the leasing of real estate and in other acts that involve or have the purpose of giving the use or enjoyment of the property: the invoiced value of the rent.