Article 708. They will not cause the tax.
to. The income of natural or legal persons that by virtue of Public Treaties or contracts authorized or approved by the Law are exempt from paying the tax;
b. The income of the State, of the Municipalities, of the Associations of Municipalities and of their autonomous or semi-autonomous institutions;
c. The income of the churches of any cult or council seminaries and religious or charitable societies, when such income is obtained by direct reason of worship or charity;
d. Income from nursing homes, hospices, orphanages, churches, foundations and non-profit associations recognized as such, provided that such income is exclusively dedicated to social assistance, public welfare, education or sports;
and. The income from the international maritime trade of national merchant ships legally registered in Panama, even when the transportation contracts are signed in the country.
F. The interests that are paid or credited on the securities issued by the State and the profits from their disposal, and others studied in this module.
Article 709. Once the taxable income on which the Income Tax has to be paid has been computed, natural persons will be entitled to the following annual deductions:
- The sum of Eight Hundred Balboas (B / .800.00) as a basic deduction.
- The spouses, the sum of One Thousand Six Hundred Balboas (B / .1,600.00), when they present their declaration jointly.
For the purposes of this article, they are considered medical expenses.
to. The premiums corresponding to hospitalization and medical insurance policies that cover the expenses mentioned in literal b) of this numeral.
b. The sums paid by the taxpayer for hospitalization, diagnosis, cure, prevention, relief or treatment of illnesses, provided that such sums are not covered by insurance policies.