By using informal diction, an anecdotal style and foreshadowing Nick Hanauer tries to show the audience why it is important that the divide between social classes does not grow larger.
Informal diction
anecdotal style
'Fellow Zillionaires'
'But let's speak frankly to each other'
'I'm no different from you'
'fellow filthy rich'
Creates connection with the reader
Hanauer speaks to specific audience (very rich people)
terms 'like you' show that he is one of them and that he knows what is good for them
the word 'pitchforks' (angry mob of poor people) (farmers in old times)
'late 18th-century France' (rich were chased)
'It won't last'
creates a sense of doom
serves as a warning (if the rich do nothing this will happen)
'I have founded, co-founded and funded more than 30 companies'
'Then I founded aQuantive ... that was sold ... for 6.4 billion'
'itsy bitsy ones like the night club'
he shows he is one of them (successful rich person)
makes other rich people relate to him and see the problem more easily
Shows experience