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Explanations of Attachment - Learning Theory - Coggle Diagram
Explanations of Attachment - Learning Theory
Learning theory sees all behaviour as acquired through experience via the process of association
Attachments are seen as developing through an infant learning to associate a caregiver with feeding
As caregivers meet physiological needs , learning theory is also known as 'Cupboard Love'
Classical conditioning occurs when a response produced naturally by a certain stimulus , becomes associated with another stimulus that is not normally associated with that particular response
Therefore attachments are learned by the stimulus of food ( an unconditioned stimulus ) , which produces a natural response of pleasure ( an unconditioned response ) , being paired with a caregiver ( a conditioned stimulus )
After several paired presentations of caregiver and food , the infant learns to associate pleasure solely with the caregiver without any need for food
Before Learning : Food (UCS) = Pleasure (UCR)
During Learning : Food (UCS) + Caregiver (CS) = Pleasure (UCR)
After Learning : Caregiver (CS) = Pleasure (CR)
Operant conditioning is based on the 'Law of Effect' , where any action that has a pleasurable outcome will be repeated again with similar circumstances
Pleasurable outcomes are known as reinforcers ( as they strengthen the behaviour , making it more likely to occur again ) . Positive reinforcements involve receiving something pleasurable for performing a certain behaviour
Negative reinforcements involve not receiving something non pleasurable for performing a certain behaviour
Therefore attachments occur through caregivers becoming associated with reducing the unpleasant feeling of hunger ( a negative reinforcement ) so that the caregiver becomes a source of reinforcement ( reward ) themselves
Dollard and Miller ( 1950 ) argued that in their first year , babies are fed 2000 times generally by their main caregiver , which creates ample opportunity for the carer to become associated with the removal of the unpleasant feeling of hunger ( a form of negative reinforcement ) . This supports the idea that attachments are learned through operant conditioning
Schaffer and Emerson ( 1964 ) found that in 39% of cases the mother was not the babies main attachment figure , suggesting that feeding is not the primary explanation of attachment
Fox ( 1977 ) Studied attachment bonds between mothers , babies and metapelets on communal farms . Metapelets are specially trained , full time carers of newborn children , allowing mothers to work ( though some time is spent with the children ) . Generally children were more attached to mothers than metapelets . As metapelets did the majority of the feeding this does not support learning theory
Conditioning best explains the learning of simple behaviours but attachments are complex with an intense emotional component . This and the fact that attachments are formed with those who do not provide food , cast doubt over learning theory
Schaffer ( 1971 ) commented that 'cupboard love' theories put things the wrong way round . Babies do not 'live to eat' but 'eat to live' , they actively seek stimulation , not passively receive nutrition
Bowlby ( 1973 ) argued that babies only need food occasionally but constantly require the emotional security from an attachment figure . This suggests that food is not the main reason for attachments . Conditioning and reinforcement through feeding probably do play a part in helping to form attachments but they are not the main reasons
Behaviorist explanations are reductionist as they explain complex behaviours in the simplest way possible . It does not consider internal cognitive processes or the emotional nature of attachments