Evidence of connetions among our beliefs, aims, content and the assessment
AIM -Students will demostrate that they have acquired basic presentational skills
AIM - Students will be albe to be able to speak on their own, express themselves and present their opinions on various topics
AIM - Students be able to interact with their classmates and able to help each other (peer-to-peer collaboration)
SYLLABUS - Project (March) presentation in pairs - environmental topic
ASSESSMENT - peer-assessment (expressing and presenting their opinons)
SYLLABUS - PROJECT (October) group presentation of poster (past x now - cooking, school...)
BELIEF - enjoyable learning - authentic, interesting matierials (YouTube, games, films)
BELIEF - exposure to variety of accents
BELIEF - the importance of practicing critical thinking
AIM - Students will be able to write a simple essay, a film/video review and an e-mail
SYLLABUS - PROJECT "Kevin in New York"
SYLLABUS - watching episode of "Friends" (decision making)
SYLLABUS - film Forest Gump (in body of a pupil with special needs - experience, empathy) film review
BELIEF - consideration of learners´ individual and unique needs
ASSESSMENT - tests, projects, presentations, point system, portfolio, between classmates (variety of evaulation)
portfolio as a tool for individual growth
AIM - know how to work with dictionaries
BELIEF - language is not just a tool (cultural uniqueness, geographical features...)
AIM - Students will be able to distiguish between formal and informal tone and identify the feature of the tones
AIM - Students will be able to understand basic cultural differences and will be able to discuss topics related to their culture as well as other cultures
Extensive reading
SYLLABUS - Christmas - traditions (December)
SYLLABUS - Halloween - history, traditions (October)
AIM - be able to apply critical thinking
AIM - be able to use various technologies for learning
SYLLABUS - "Yoga lesson"
SYLLABUS - Thanksgiving - history, traditions (November)
SYLLABUS - PARSNIP (political system)
AIM - Students will be able to discover various grammar forms through reading
AIM - Students will be able to follow various listening materials and elaborate on them further (such as answer the questions, True or False etc.)
SYLLABUS - Royal families around Europe (February)
"Song of the Month"
Expression/ word of the month