means Rebirth in French
Dark Ages, 467A.D-14th centaury. famine, plague, black death, ignorance, church rule, war , disunity.
The Renaissance was a fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic “rebirth” following the Middle Ages. Generally described as taking place from the 14th century to the 17th century, the Renaissance promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature and art.
printing press, Guttenberg, Germany, Facilitated publishing of books and spread of information.
Reconsideration of the church's doctrine
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tithe: peasants were taxed 10% of their income.
so much control of the church
peasants were forced to work for free on the land owned by the church
people were told they will go to heaven only if the church allowed it
fear of God
restrictions on thinking out off the box, questioning the beliefs etc.
there was no direct connection of God and church was a feared institution wit their own guards and torture cells for the deviants.
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René Descartes
Leonardo Davinci
Desiderius Erasmus
Humanism: A cultural movement which started from Italy (Florence).
Human achievements needs to be praised appreciated and cherished.
Givonni Boccaccio
medici family
Francessco Petrarch
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capture of Constantinople
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scientific discoveries
Galileo, telescope, earth revolves around the sun.
what is the etymology of the word renaissance?
when did Christians start doubting the doctrines of the Roman Catholic church?
2: When the Turks captured Constantinople a lot of eastern Europeans had to flee to western Europe. they brought their books along with them. The exposure to orthodox Christian literature made people doubt the Roman catholic church.
2: When the Turks captured Constantinople a lot of eastern Europeans had to flee to western Europe. they brought their books along with them. The exposure to orthodox Christian literature made people doubt the Roman catholic church.
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