crude oil , alkanes and the alkene and alkane homologous series (chemistry)
what is crude oil
crude oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons
hydrocarbons are chains of molecules of varying lengths made from hydrogen and carbon atoms only
crude oil has no use in its raw form, however it is used as an important source for fuels and as feed stock for making chemicals such as polymers
polymers are very large chain molecules made by joining many smaller molecules together end to end
almost all the consumer products we use involve crude oil in their manufacture or tranpsort
crude oil was made from the fossilised remains of dead plants and there is called a fossil fuel - it is a finite - limited - resource - the continued use of crude oil at the present rate will result in it running out in the future
fossil fuels take millions of ywars to form and are currently being depleted much faster than new ones being formed
energy from crude oil is known as non renewable energy because once used up it cannot be replaced
the formation of crude oil and finding crude oil
The crude oil that has been extracted over the past century was formed millions of years ago. Some deposits were formed over 500 million years ago, with the newest deposit being approximately formed over 50 million years ago
crude oil collects in the cracks and gaps of porus rocks and rises to surface till it reaches impermeable rock c formation called reservoir rock
Alkanes & the Alkane Homologous Series
crude oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons
hydrocarbons are chains of molecules of varying lengths made from hydrogen and carbon atoms only, joined together by covalent bonds
most of the hydrocarbons in crude oil are hydrocarbons called alkanes
alkanes are reffered to as saturated molecules
the term staurated means they contain the maximum number of hydrocarbons possible , with no double or triple bonds between the carbon atoms
therefor alkanes only contain single bonds
the alkanes form a homologous series
a hydrocarbon homologous series is a series of hydrocarbons which
have the same general formula
differ in ch2 in molecular formulae from neighbouring compounds
have similiar chemical properties
Show a gradual variation in physical properties i.e. boiling and melting point
The general formula for the homologous series of alkanes is CnH2n+2 where n is the number of carbon atoms
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