p. 3 Since the discovery of LSD in 1943, it has been researched for its psychiatric and theraoetuic uses by scientists, military and the general public. That was halted by its 1970 Schedule 1 drug reputation. It is estimated by NSDUH that about 9.1% of Americans have tried LSD at least once in their life. Recently LSD has been researched for its use as therapy for things like death anxiety, PTSD, cancer, and addiction treatment. IT has seen a resurgence of study after 40 so years of silence in the scientific fields. The use of LSD for therapy has been done since the 1950’s for the mentally ill and alcoholics. It was also used by the military and CIA in the MK-ULTRA projects to see its potential for warfare. Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert promoted the use of LSD before being fired from Harvard, which led to students and teachers trying the substance, popularizing it. The author of the paper in the mid 60’s realized that people around him were taking it and seemed to have few ill effects. Eventually they started to have adverse effects though, so the volunteers at the Haight Ashbury Free Medical Clinic created the method of talking them down during their high. LSD was then outlawed in 1966 and became Schedule 1 in 1970, resulting in studies on it halting. The government tried to use the substance for mind control and non-lethal stopping power, like producing mass hallucinations and hysteria among those it was used on. Others like Leary and Ram Dass(previously Alpert) took LSD as a betterment for people and used it for more spiritual experiences. Other took the drug and pushed their highs to the limit with extreme stimulation through music, lights and other experiences. Aldous Huxley took a dose of LSD before dying to cope with it. Stanislav Grof, pioneer for psychedelics medicine for those facing death wrote of how psychedelics allow us to study the mind and its intricacies due to how it amplifies it. HE also mentioned about how it allows healing of disorders and to push towards betterment. Swiss psychiatrist Peter Gasser brings up how the US gives the dying narcotics to alleviate pain but dares not to give them LSD to better their mental condition. Torsten Passie, a physician from Hanover Medical School in Germany reports on how LSD treatment could lead to prevention of cluster headaches and medicine for headaches. David Nichols brought up research on the relation between LSD and the 5-HT2a serotonin receptor, how it deals with human sensory and consciousness