Identifying and helping struggling students :

Step 1: Awareness/Observation/Identification

Step 2: Pre-referral

Is the issue recurring or new?

Is the issue constant?

Is the issue appropriate for children of this age?

Teacher should maintain the student's work and assessment data

Response to Intervention (RTI)

Three tiers of intervention

1) Utilize high-quality general education

2) Targeted group instruction

3) Intensive, individualized interventions

Step 3: Referral for Special Education

Referrals can be initiated by school personnel or the children's parents

The school must obtain consent form the parents to begin the evaluation phase

Step 4: Special Education Evaluation

A variety of experts evaluate the students

They include:

Educational Diagnosticians

Special Educators

General Educators


Related Service Providers

Medical Doctors

Step 5: IEP Meeting and Implementaion

Students receive a battery analyzing:




School and parents set goals and duration of the IEP

Set up a plan to achieve these goals

Step 6: Reevaluation

IEP team will continue to meet to assess progress

Each year, IEP team will meet to evaluate implementation and develop the next year's IEP

The Special Education Referral Process. (n.d.). retrieved from