Card Matching Activity: The understanding students would work together as a group. They will be given a set of cards. Half of the cards will have a circle or rectangle divided into two, three or four sections with some sections shaded in. The other half of the cards will have 1 half, 1 third, 2 thirds, 1 quarter, 2 quarters, 3 quarters, 1 whole, 1/2, 1/3, 2/3, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4. Students will work together to correctly match the shape cards to the fraction and word cards. The students would be asked to check over their matches before asking the teacher to check if they are correct.
Partitioning Circles and Rectangles with Dry Erase Markers: Once students have matched all of the cards correctly, they will each be given a laminated circle and a laminated rectangle, dry erase markers, whiteboard erasers and a set of cards. Each student will take turns pulling a card and then partitioning their shapes according to the card’s instructions. At the end of each person’s turn, the other students will check to see if the student got it right - the student will then erase the shape so that they can partition again at their next turn. Examples of card instructions will be: partition your circle into thirds, partition your rectangle into halves, partition your circle into quarters, etc.
Different Ways to Find Half Game: This digital game challenges students to think of 12 different ways to show half of a square. This game will further extend students’ knowledge of partitioning shapes.
Take a partitioning assessment that is more difficult that the one they took during the pre-assessment.