Fractions: Division of Whole number and represent the answer as a fraction; Convert fractions to decimals; Add and Subtract proper fractions; Solve word problems; Add and subtract mixed fractions; Multiply and Divided fractions.
Area of triangles: Use formula for area. Find the areas of composite figures involving squares, rectangles and triangles. Volume: cube and cuboids; differentiate between Volume and capacity; Derive and use the formula for Volume; word problems.
Ratio: Interpret and write the ratios of two quantities. Equivalent ratios; Find a quantity given another quantity and the ratio; Find unknown quantities given the ratio amount and the ratio. Interpret and write the ratios of three quantities.
Codes : Fractions: PR2, PR3, PR4, PR5, PR6, PR7, PR8; Ratios PR9, PR10, PR17, PR18, PR19, PR27, PR28, PR29, PR30, PR31, PR32; Triangle and Volume: MC1, MC2, MC3, MC4, MC5, MC6, MC7, MC8, MC9, MPA1, MPA2, MPA3, MPA4, MPA5, MPA6, MPA7, MPA8, MPA9, MPA10, MPA11, MPA12, MPA13, MPA14, MPA15, MPA16, MPA17, MPA18)