AWS Personal Health Dashboard provides alerts and remediation guidance when AWS is experiencing events that may impact you. While the Service Health Dashboard displays the general status of AWS services, Personal Health Dashboard gives you a personalized view into the performance and availability of the AWS services underlying your AWS resources.
The benefits of the AWS personal health dashboard include:
**A personalized View of Service Health: Personal Health Dashboard gives you a personalized view of the status of the AWS services that power your applications, enabling you to quickly see when AWS is experiencing issues that may impact you. For example, in the event of a lost EBS volume associated with one of your EC2 instances, you would gain quick visibility into the status of the specific service you are using, helping save precious time troubleshooting to determine root cause.
**Proactive Notifications: The dashboard also provides forward looking notifications, and you can set up alerts across multiple channels, including email and mobile notifications, so you receive timely and relevant information to help plan for scheduled changes that may affect you. In the event of AWS hardware maintenance activities that may impact one of your EC2 instances, for example, you would receive an alert with information to help you plan for, and proactively address any issues associated with the upcoming change.
**Detailed Troubleshooting Guidance: When you get an alert, it includes remediation details and specific guidance to enable you to take immediate action to address AWS events impacting your resources. For example, in the event of an AWS hardware failure impacting one of your EBS volumes, your alert would include a list of your affected resources, a recommendation to restore your volume, and links to the steps to help you restore it from a snapshot. This targeted and actionable information reduces the time needed to resolve issues.