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Scenario 1:Off Task Non-Disruptive
Sarah is a Year 10 student who is very intelligent but seems to be poorly engaged in class. She blends in with the other students when doing work but in reality, she is playing with her Ipad or doing other classes' homework. She does not distract other students but she is not focused on herself. She tends to waste time preparing to do work when in fact she is dilly-dallying the class away.
Avoid power struggles
Clear, consistent, and predictable consequences
Explain assignment
Explain directions
Non verbal cues
Praise when cooperative and well behaved
Praise when good attitude and involvement occur
Speak in calm and neutral tone
Speak with student in hallway
Take away unstructured or free time
Talk one on one with student
Teach relationship skills
TIER 1 Interventions focus on adjusting the student behavior as to increase their in class productivity
Data Tracking: To track student behavior a daily positive behavior form is best as these behavior are seen daily
Behavior Contract
Behavior Intervention Plan
The Praise Game
Data Tracking: A Functional Behavior Assessment would be best in my mind. We can see how students have responsed to intervention and determine how to best move forward
Counselor Referral
At this stage the student's in class behavior is completely unacceptable and has made no improvments over the last 8-10 weeks of PBIS work.
Scenario 2: Poor Peer Relationships
Kevin is a new student. For some reason or another, he is failing to integrate himself into his new homeroom. Other students seem to be annoyed or irritated by him in class when he answers a question or attempts to work with them for group work. In the first 6 weeks of class he has made few friends and is struggling to maintain the weak relationships he has now.
Assign a buddy or partner
Encourage interaction with a more self confident student
Rewards, Simple Reward Systems, & Incentives
Talk one on one with student
Talk to parent
Teach conflict resolution skills
Teach relationship skills
Teach social skills
Tier 1 Interventions focus on attempting increase the student's participation with his peers while teaching the student how to deal with uncomfortable social situations.
Data Tracking: Once agian I think a Daily Behavior Tracking Sheet is best here. If done with the student then we can teach them to see where social interaction break down which could guide them to be more successful in the future.
Check-in and Check out
Peer Tutoring
Peer Tutoring and help student create freindships and relationships without social pressure as the relationship emerged in an "academic" setting.
With Check-in and Check Out we can give the student clear class goals that are not always academic facing. We can give them social goals and we can ask them about them to see if their social status and social skills are improving over time.
With Mentoring we are trying to increase student motivation and get them to buy into the class. This way the student feels like they've got someone on their side.
Data Tracking: Student Progess Self-Evaulation and Student Self-Assessment. In this case we are trying to get the student to be more successful in his social interactions. By allowing him to evaluate himself based upon weeks of attempts he could learn to understand his own behaviors and the behaviors of the other students on a deeper level.
Compare and Contrast:
As these students have very different issues it is important to understand the approaches are differerent as well. When, a student isn't doing work you need help them build their own sense of accountability and preserve. When a student is struggling socially you have to be more delicate and not only be their mentor but also a coach. Both students need your guidance and help but the intensity of your help may change as the student response to your intervention.