It is Thanksgiving, and a turkey frying incident has gone terribly wrong. A man was deep frying a turkey
in an outdoor fryer. He dropped the frozen turkey into the large tub of boiling hot oil that overflowed,
caught fire, and “exploded” burning oil all over him. He was not wearing a shirt. He covered his face with
his hands, but his arms and chest were badly burned. He has very painful blisters covering both arms,
from his shoulders to his fingers. His forehead is red and tender but not blistered. His chest and
abdomen are pale gray-white in color, with little swelling or pain. Yet the doctors seem most concerned
about infection, dehydration, and body temperature. Why?

The man obviously wasn't smart enough to put a shirt on while cooking with oil. that's why he got burned his chest.

the hot oil burned his body

the burn on his arms indicate a second degree burn

which means he burn burned is through the epidermis and the upper dermis layer

it not critical only it less the than 25%. only 18% ( used to determine the fluid lost)

he can be exposed to infections. Also an immediate threat is dehydration which cause him to go into renal shutdown or circulatory shock.

he will be in severe pain

if his body temperature gets low he could be at risk of hypothermia.

the burn on his forehead is a first degree burn because he is only experiencing redness and inflammation

he is only burned on the epidermis layer

first degree burns are not considered critical

he could be in a little pain however he treat this at home

the burn on his chest and abdomen is a 3rd degree burn because it is a pale gray-white color

the skin is burned through the epidermis and all through the dermis layer

this burn is considered critical because it is greater than 10%, 18%>10%

he will not feel any pain because the nerves have been destroyed

he can be exposed to infections. Also an immediate threat is dehydration which cause him to go into renal shutdown or circulatory shock

3rd degree burns have a higher risk of infections, blood loss, shock, even death

if his body temperature gets low he could be at risk of hypothermia

function of the integumentary system may serve to waterproof, and protect the deeper tissues, excrete wastes, and regulate body temperature, and is the attachment site for sensory receptors to detect pain, and is to protect body's internal tissue and organs

it helps maintain hemostasis because the skin acts as a barrier, helps protect from the environment, regulate body temperature, produces vitamin D.

the epidermis layer is made up of epithelium tissue

made up of five types cell
Keratinocytes- gives protective properties
Melanocytes - gives pigment \
Dendritic (Langerhans) cells-key activators of immune system
Tactile (Merkel) cells- sense of touch

Dermis layer made of connective tissue

contains blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic vessels

a 1st degree burn is epidermal damage only , redness, swelling, and pain

2nd degree burn epidermal and upper dermal damage , blisters will appear

3rd degree burn the entire thickness is burned , skin turns gray-white, no pain will occur because the nerves have been destroyed

2nd degree critical if >25%

3rd degree critical if >10%

Nine rule
Anterior and posterior
head and neck, 9%
Anterior and posterior
upper limbs, 18%

Anterior and posterior
trunk, 36%

Perineum, 1%
Anterior and posterior
lower limbs, 36%

Locate the are of the burn and determine if its 2nd or 3rd degree burn

then you will be able to determine if its critical or not.