Nuclear Energy is Safe

• Further developments in modular reactors show promise in bringing down the cost of opening a nuclear power plant while maintaining a high standard of safety

Nuclear Energy is clean

Nuclear Energy is Necessary

Other Alternatives cannot not provide for all future power needs

• The problem of nuclear waste is not a technical one, It is a political one

• There are several sites ideal for disposing of nuclear waste that exist today

• Finland is the only country actively constructing a site for long term disposal

• Nuclear waste is now stored safely on site

• Nuclear disasters that occurred at Chernobyl and Fukushima included, Nuclear remains the safest form of energy per unit of energy produced

• Hundreds of Nuclear reactors power the US Navy Ships and Submarines , operating without incident

• Today, electricity consumed when other renewable resources are not producing primarily comes from power plants that burn carbon-based fuels

• Nuclear energy can fill the gap, preventing the burning of fossil fuels with the technology that exists today

• Nuclear power can be produced constantly, and scaled for the needs of a community

• France, the second greenest country in the world, uses nuclear power for over 75% of its present needs

• Countries like Germany, who closed their nuclear power plants, cannot produce enough energy without the importation of nuclear energy from France or reopening fossil fuel burning plants

• Nuclear power has the lowest carbon footprint of any form of energy today (including wind and solar)

• Nuclear energy has not reached its full technological potential

• New technologies that are not being exploited in the field could potentially massively reduce the amount of waste and fuel required

• Today, 55% of the carbon free energy of the United States comes from Nuclear power

• Wind Energy and solar energy have intermittency issues

• Wind energy and solar energy have transmission issues

• Wind and solar energy require vast tracks of land and maintenance infrastructures, despite producing relatively little energy per unit of space

• When the sun doesn’t shine and it isn’t windy, the world still consumes electricity

• Many forms of carbon free energy are incredibly diffuse

• Diffuse forms of energy are very difficult to concentrate and are even more difficult to transfer

• Intermittency cannot be solved, only accounted for with power storage

• Present battery technology prevents power storage on the scale necessary to use these sources alone

• “Perfect” solutions do not exist for this problem