Project 1 Ideas

Create a third person shooter.

Similar Games: Max Payne, Uncharted & Tomb Raider

Enviroment: Similar to Max Payne's 'Hoboken' section.

Gameplay mechanics: Enemy AI, Shooting mechanics, interactive object i.e. health packs & open/close doors.

Back alleys

Inside broken, run down buildings

Dark, gloomy atmosphere

Research animation in Unreal 4 to create animated states for a character such as holding a gun, opening a door, taking damage, etc.

Create a third person platformer

Similar Games: Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong 64

Environment: Bright colours and a child friendly theme

Tropical islands, jungles & a welcoming and happy atmosphere

Create a first person shooter

Similar Games: Bioshock, Superhot, Half-Life 2

Environment: Dark colours and a rustic setting

Inside factories

Buildings with little to none lighting

Gameplay mechanics

Double jump & launchpads

Glide from high platforms

Collectable items

Gameplay mechanics

Special abilities similar to Bioshock's plasmids / vigors.

Interactive objects e.g. ammo pickups, health packs, etc.

Research animation to create animated states for equipping a special ability.